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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. Trying to fix a crappy headphone cable as well, and didn't figure it warranted a new thread because it's lame. I Deoxit'd the bits of the driver that needed Deoxiting... again, so the drivers measure what they're supposed to. And the plug solder joints are all good (measure 0 ohms) and the cable wires measure well enough (~2 ohms) except for the + on the right channel which measures anywhere from 20 ohms to 15k, so there must be a break in there somewhere. Anyone know of a good way of figuring out where exactly the break is? I've physically inspected the cable and there is only one small opening/cut on the cable but the wire that is "cut" is measuring fine.
  2. lol had wrong tab open End Hits
  3. Sup trav?
  4. wrong forum
  5. I'd use beer to bulk if alcohol wasn't catabolic and also slowed fat metabolism.
  6. iLold
  7. http://www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/10-foods-that-boost-memory.html Ate six eggs along with some other stuff within a few hours. I know someone who eats 8 eggs a day, and have heard of people that eat only eggs (36 per day, 6 meals of 6 eggs each). Slightly over the top but maybe there is some merit to more.
  8. I think he does, check this vid out: That's pretty much as close to the frog as anyone would go. From what I understand though there are technically the different schools (Russian and Franco-Belgian being the main two) it gets very iffy in regards to "styles" and it's more like just whatever worked for each individual, since everyone plays somewhat differently. I was taught in the beginning to always keep my pinky on the bow. It's great as a counter-balance but sometimes there's too much of it and gets in the way of using your arm weight to produce a tone, something that I was later taught. And now I realize Heifetz doesn't even use it most of the time... I definitely knew he did that for the Hora Staccato and thought that was his way of doing the up and down bow staccatos but I guess it turns out the bow grip was always the same.
  9. Don't forget to pillage. Just checked out some Heifetz vids, specifically his bow hand. It's pretty much all the way at the frog but he angles his hand sharply forward so the pinky almost never touches the bow.
  10. Trace amounts of estrogen along with other stuff like ibuprofen and antibiotics have been found in drinking water, and then there is the growth hormones in various meats...
  11. Send them a strongly worded letter, possibly including an ultimatum.
  12. How is Dildo Heaven working out for you? .... i don't even...
  13. Maybe next time will be somewhat better organized. There's still the second movement of the Bach double and then the "lost" BWV 1067. I don't know if you saw but we have a baby grand Yamaha so technically Dusty could come over and sightread the piano part if you have it.
  14. muzak sux0rs, i listen to self-help and guided meditation tapes
  15. Probably dust but could be a bias supply issue. Unplug the headphones while this is going on and if it is still present after unplugging then it is a dust issue.
  16. *views site* Everywhere I look it's Betty White this and Betty White that. Finally a kid who's not talking about Betty White. Of course I follow him.
  17. Lighter diaphragm = more efficiency and extended treble, not understanding why the HE-6p would sound worse unless it is because it is less self-damped than gold.
  18. I like the E string, been using the Gold Label E for several years now without any real want to change. The gold plated stuff is interesting but the plating lasts about a week, then after that it just looks nasty and sounds off. Haven't tried the other strings and didn't ask him about them but if I remember when I go the next time, I will. He has very good prices on strings, similar to the cheapest online prices I can find, so I bought another two sets of Vision Solos.
  19. Talked to my luthier about strings yesterday. Asked about the Warchal strings, he said he tried the entire line and at the end of it didn't think they were good enough to actually stock them. He showed me the new Peter Infeld "PI" srings ($110 a set) which look very good but pricey to just try on a whim. I also asked him about the Passiones and he said they are bright, even though they are gut strings. Hm...
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