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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. Happy belated, Birgir!
  2. We got a LG 47LW5700 which I think is Costco's version of the 5600. It's too bad they had nothing between 47" and 55". It seems nice, the horizontal viewing angle isn't too bad. The 3D vertical viewing angle isn't good, but why would you watch TV/movies not at eye level anyway. Passive 3D ftw.
  3. ^ this Intredasting... Edit: Nvm, not intredasting. Switched to tried and true classic:
  4. Brb listening to both now, and Atom Heart Mother suite.
  5. ^ lol'd hard at quaid comment Edit: NSFW: http://i52.tinypic.com/1zbbewm.jpg
  6. Hope you're having a good one, Anurag.
  7. How the heck do you not get bored of just drinking vodka neat anyway.
  8. Does she add the cranberry juice?
  9. Hm, I might just wait until the PCB mount heatsink version is available. I won't be going above 450V rails.
  10. I hope it's not used. Congrat Bryan.
  11. Sounds like a description of the original Omega to me. Would be nice to compare the two.
  12. I'll keep that in mind for use at a future date (pun intended).
  13. I got PS2 Jecklin 'stats that you can borrow for an indeterminate amount of time if you agree to refurb them. Edit: I also have a good number of Lambdas, SR-X Mk3 Pro, used to have a SR-5NB, and still have tons of non-Stax 'stats.
  14. Nice price, I finally snagged one for under $100 shipped, which was all I was willing to pay for one.
  15. Bravo, old chap. Cheers to you, too. I'd take another pic but not sure people would want to see.
  16. Just got the SR-3N in the mail, plugged in and listened for a few secs... Stax, I am impress. Trying to decide if I should bother swapping in the SR-X Mk3 drivers.
  17. cheers to the bday boys, in possible preparation for manathon
  18. Happy birthday! Edit: Whisk(e)y tonight
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. Put up some pics of the headband. Perhaps it has stretched or whatnot over time, or you just have a small head. When I wear my Lambdas (Pros, Sigs), the adjusters are pretty much exactly at the halfway point.
  21. Listened to Dusty's TPs, they sound nice as well and are a real looker.
  22. Well, did you sell them? DannyB would've.
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