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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. Wow, they're really making a successor to the T2. Anyone have impressions on the new Stax portable system?
  2. I miss Patrick82. Talked to him a month or two ago in passing, he's still trolling other forums.
  3. Sounds like things are going well for ya, good to hear. I know what you mean about needing a break from HF, in fact I think all the HCers do. Music playing has always been my drug of choice, and it's gradually completely taken over my listening time but I still make time anyway every now and then. Got a giant box full of unused 12AU7/A variants that this thread has reminded me I should probably put to use at some point.
  4. Hey, it's kramer of kramer mod fame. You're probably the reason I started down the path of headphone modding. Can't believe it's been around seven years for me, more for you. How are you these days?
  5. Cool, glad you enjoyed it. I'm going to try and make the Gojira concert in my state in a few weeks. Went to a Peabody prof's private concert two days ago and going to see Marc Andre Hamelin next weekend. Edit: Yes Dusty I am going to try to make that. Want to join me?
  6. as i told brent in chat, i might be able to make this
  7. Anyone else learning programming in Android SDK/writing apps?
  8. If by 50/50 you mean 80/20 then I agree.
  9. RIP Luvbug, condolences Dusty
  10. The S3 sounds enticing, but it's too big and expensive for me (also not offered with my prepaid plan anyway). My current phone, which is basically a Evo 3D, is already known as a somewhat large phone. I debated over getting a case and finally decided against it because it would just be too bulky in my pocket. I don't like things in my pockets in general, but begrudgingly carry the essentials everyday (keys, phone, wallet) so less is better. Maybe a murse is in order. For now I'm going to go with a simple screen protector and an Anker 1900mAh battery and just hope I don't accidentally drop or smash the phone. Don't tempt me with the tablet stuff, I don't even know what I would use one for but kind of want one anyway already. http://gizmodo.com/5945525/apple-wants-707-million-more-of-samsungs-money-over-patent-issues
  11. This, including Shelly's tweeter. Good luck Anurag.
  12. Thanks for the info, 20-26 hrs would be perfect. I just bought an HTC Evo V, currently running the latest Midnight Rom (Anthrax kernel running ICS/Sense 3.6 so very similar to stock). Seems like there's soon going to be a working CM10 ROM that I'll try as well. Yeah, the screen on mine also sucks juice, and the wimpy stock 1500mAh battery doesn't help. Larger capacity battery sounds good.
  13. How are you guys doing on battery life with your phones? That's the main beef with my current phone. I'm thinking about getting an increased capacity battery. Rooting and flashing ROMs, playing with radios, etc. definitely helped but it's still barely not enough to go through an entire day of moderate to heavy use, especially with GPS and 4G.
  14. Amazing, thanks for sharing.
  15. Probably not going to make this, sorry. Have fun, guys.
  16. I like my android phone well enough; it's been rooted, custom rom'd, S-off, radios changed, etc though. Edit: Oops, didn't realize this was the mac thread.
  17. Congrat Shelly
  18. Thanks. Makes me mad just reading this.
  19. Thanks Mike, Anurag, and Chris, I appreciate it. Now if only a certain professor would get back to me about my studying with him, I'd be a pretty happy camper.
  20. Still working out the details, but the company specializes in DAQ products. Cool, I'll message you about it soon.
  21. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/z1c9z/i_am_barack_obama_president_of_the_united_states/ No I'm not a redditor
  22. U no me dawg, hustlin all day erryday Means I'm probably going to still be in the area for a little while longer, let's meet up sometime! Thanks rob.
  23. Got hired temporarily as consultant.
  24. Thanks. I don't know if I want it yet, I'll find out tomorrow along with whether he wants me. He being the president of the company, and the person who called me in to interview.
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