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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. Are you offering your services (paid, of course) to the poor future-owners of the LCD-2, if with said pile of fail cable?
  2. They didn't look like they'd distribute weight that well at first glance, but you're probably right. Do you know if the pads or drivers are angled in any way?
  3. Holy shit that's awesome, except for the headband. Can't wait for impressions + info on cost. I'm curious as to how they compare to your memory of the Donuts, if you would be so kind as to oblige.
  4. :prettyprincess: Sounds promising! Moar impressions necessary (Steve, get in there and back him up asap ). It can has be tiem for ugly tape mod? Or you could try lining the insides of the edges with a thin layer of sealing material like blutak, but I don't know how well that'd do mixed in with the velour.
  5. Thanks for the impressions... could mean I'm not that much of a treblehead. Marc, I assume you meant no with KGSS + SR-007? And I get the feeling that enough treble can be gotten out of the SR-007, usually involving throwing more power at it... I just don't really have any means nor willpower of achieving that, unlike you two. Close enough to the real thing is good enough for me, and even at this point, the quality of the recordings themselves become a huge factor. Slightly cheaper than Ebay, with warranty... it may be time to go into starving mode. And agreed, the 600 is far less interesting. Same voltage swing as an 007t2, which I think is still more than what the ExStatA amp can achieve. 340Vrms vs 700-800 peak to peak. Which Lambdas aren't plastic? Except for the 4070, which you really aren't a fan of. And I almost never hear of the Jade anymore, what's up with that? In fact, I think you're the only one I know with one.
  6. morphsci and luvdunhill, would you guys say your O2 setups achieve this fine edge? About AD2K, I doubt I will prefer dynamics to 'stats... pretty much ever, so I think your endorsement of the 404LE is still good. Also, damn, that's not cool. The ones on Ebay are still there... might have to buy one asap, or find a pair used asap over the next month or two.
  7. I'm on the Beltway every goddamn day, right during rush hour.
  8. Well, you generally don't want amps going up in flames and setting your house on fire and/or zapping you with a couple hundred volts.
  9. Uh, did we just do what I think we did? Go go Singlepower Rangers!
  10. I'm drawing the line, I'm drawing the line I'm drawing the line, I draw the line And I have my pride I'm taking control, I'm taking control I'm taking control, I'm taking control And I save my soul
  11. Is the dark stuff in front of the drivers just a thin layer of open cell foam? And perhaps a bass lens would help, since the velours are fairly thin and probably don't keep in the bass too well.
  12. When you've heard and been around people playing instruments for most of your life, usually in close proximity, I guess perspective is a bit different. And I gotta have my intro to Mahler 5 not sounding like I put a strip of T-shirt in between my ears and the drivers, dammit. Unless I let my amp warm up for at least 4 hours prior. I said soft because I didn't want to say/imply that the treble wasn't well extended. And if anything I'm listening to causes me to wince, I either turn the volume down (if I like the music) or stop listening to it (if I don't like the music).
  13. Ah, shit, why must you do this to me? It is now first on my wishlist/getlist. Edit: I never understood why people prefer a soft treble to listen to classical.
  14. I guess it's time to rock out with my inverted penis now (which, btw, is not the same as a vagina).
  15. Wait, is that your existential crisis? Or is that your solution to the existential crisis? In other words, are those things what you live for, and what define your life?
  16. I thought the bass extended pretty deep and the treble had decent presence, but I thought there was something wrong with the tonality the times I briefly auditioned the 950. It was always out of an SRM-1/Mk2. Also, I agree that the 950 seems a bit fragile, since the frame is mainly made of thin plastic. The cord is pretty short, too.
  17. Yeah, it definitely helps to be tall, so you can actually see at least a little part of the stage. And I think everyone is a big fan of Gavin. Amazing that you also went to the Philly show. The friend I went with was also going to go to the Philly show but I think he got held up with other things last minute. Sorry to hear so many things went wrong... glad you still ended up enjoying it. I know I would have. The middle part of Anesthetize at the Baltimore show was balls to the walls badass.
  18. Too funny.
  19. Indeed, this is one of the biggest differences between 'stats and dynamics. Dynamic bass sucks.
  20. I didn't really notice. It was nice to meet you, though. And on the show itself, it's too bad that I missed King's X, and I left after they played 3 at the end, but everything I heard was nothing short of fucking amazing. The only song that was a bit subpar was Circle of Manias... I thought it was kind of anti-climactic, especially compared to the album. And yeah, fat guys rubbing their bellies on your ass is never fun... where were you? We ended up way to the left on the ground floor and then moved our way into the middlish front of the pit during intermission.
  21. Never seen it before in my life. What's the low/high switch for?
  22. Yeah I guess that's what I mean. Although I still also don't get some of the more mellow stuff, too. God damn, I can't wait. Haven't been this excited about something in a long time... mainly because I never have time to do anything fun. This weekend's no different, but I made an exception for one of the best bands ever. See you tomorrow, Dusty.
  23. I wouldn't want him to observe the electrons in my cables. I feel like they'd get all nervous knowing they were openly being stalked, and then move all wrong, making the sound super shitty.
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