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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. Fucking snow ruined my plans today. I'd rather not have to drive around in it. We bought a massive snowblower 4 years ago and haven't used it a single time.
  2. What You Staring At? [NSFW] Guess what? It's NSFW. Oh, and this seems appropriate, given there is an HC meet going on right now:
  3. This is pretty much my audiophile chair, and my bed, all in one (okay okay, there's also a rug): Nice SR-007 Mk2 Aimless, proof black on black does look good.
  4. Truth. I just happen to like nice thumbs that aren't toes...
  5. Ever since someone mentioned Megan Fox having toes for thumbs I couldn't get that out of my mind. It's a no go.
  6. The 0404 USB also uses asynchronous USB drivers.
  7. Look harder?
  8. Are you going to play around with modding?
  9. Genius if that works. Yeah it is.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a_Z-ywTc4w
  11. Damn, it's like having an infinite number of headphones in one. Not at the same time, though.
  12. Oops. Time to DIY. Some people even make their own tonearms which is pretty damn hardcore in my book. Not recommended as a first project, though. Mm, overly-nubile babysitters...
  13. Aoeiueyou 936 I hope it doesn't suck, but I realized I'm never getting my really cheap old soldering station back and needed something cheap and somewhat decent.
  14. I hear they take a bit longer to burn in after you spritz water on them.
  15. Primus - Pork Soda
  16. You have not been reading HF enough. Burn-in can also increase things, mainly bass. The only thing burn-in can't do is make things sound worse, and if something sounds bad it's because it's not fully burnt in yet. Just another couple hundred hours... almost there........
  17. Definitely not wrong. I'd wolf the whole damn thing down in 30 seconds right now, all I had to eat today was a muffin and some cookies. In fact, I think I'm going to go eat right now. But before I do, have you guys seen the Windows 7 burger?
  18. Okay that seals it, I'm not going to use soapstone if I can help it. Good luck, Marc. Hm, I'm going to need to take a look at the circuits for the phono stages in my receiver and my preamp to see if they're any good, otherwise I'll have to DIY something for that as well... Except I need them all for my future career. *fingers crossed*
  19. Ah okay, now I see it. Neat, and indeed, approximately my body weight. Great that there's already something more developed than that three chip amp oscillator circuit, I'll have to look into that. And I'm only dipping my toes a bit, I don't have any real background in mechanics, and pretty much none in workshop/tool related stuff. I've only operated a band saw, table saw, jigsaw, etc. a couple of times in my life, and don't own any of those things. Marc, on the other hand, is in it pretty deep.
  20. Ah okay, and then a giant soapstone box sandwiched between the island and the top plate? And I guess a router could work... I was just wondering why you bothered with the island and the soapstone, and you answered it nicely. For me, enough is enough, especially when modding the TT makes it start to approach my body weight. This might be interesting, though: http://www.clarisonus.com/blog/?p=96#more-96
  21. Uh, why did he turn around? To make sure his wife was going to smash the window in with his golf club? Interesting news.
  22. Don't forget the red paint, makes for better bandwidth and slew rate.
  23. Especially if he tries to stick it in a port and gets injured, or if he still manages and it kills the circuitry. Byebye Nene.
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