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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. Didn't the FDA recently unban haggis in the US? And wewt, K340. Edit: Nvm. http://www.worldhum.com/travel-blog/item/haggis-ban-lifted-after-21-years-20100126/
  2. Yeah that was the joke. I'm guessing something on the order of $50USD to produce, including cost of parts. $50 is a lot in China, it can be what some people earn in an entire month. Anyway, I did more modding on the ET1000. Removed the stock gold colored grilles you see in pic 2 and replaced with some speaker cloth. Smoothed out sound more. It's starting to be nothing like a stock ET1000 and will continue in this direction when I make the adapter and run it like a normal bias Stax.
  3. Damn that's terrible, sorry to hear about that. Really hope you get your money back, that's not at all chump change.
  4. Yay for 'stats! Not yay for scams. How did he scam you?
  5. I'd be interested in hearing a pair, just to see how far Beyer has gotten from 34 years ago when they made the ET1000. IMO AKG got it right 20 years ago with the K1k though, and it's Sennheiser and Beyer that have taken that long to catch up. To what extent I won't know until I hear a HD800 and T1.
  6. Agreed. But Facebook fixes all of that. Seems Buzz can do a bit more than I thought, maybe I'll play with it for a couple more days and see if it clicks. Not many other people I know are using it, which doesn't help. Someone Buzzed a funny link yesterday: Angry Norwegians in scuba gear chase after Google Street View car Boing Boing
  7. You can view trending topics and follow whoever you want, provided the other party has not made their account private or they have and they accept you. Also I'm not sure if there is a way to block people on Buzz, there might be and I just haven't figured it out yet. Not that I've tried very hard.
  8. Seems like right now it's just a way for people to have some of the functionality of Facebook/Twitter without having to use Facebook or Twitter? But I already have the latter two, and they both do things Buzz can't. Still not quite sure I see the point.
  9. ATOS Trio concert. ATOS Trio Hey Monkey and whoever else, you're welcome to join us for whatever the heck we may be doing after the concert Friday night...
  10. We were planning on staying the night somewhere and leaving in the morning, actually, I think (correct me if I'm wrong, Dusty).
  11. Wewt, I hope there are still decent open seats, and for us to see you there.
  12. No it's Friday night. School has been canceled since last Friday for us, up until at least tomorrow.
  13. I'm not sure it could, lesbians don't typically go for straight men. Or any men, really.
  14. Rudi of Rudistor's new 'stat. Haven't heard much at all about it since a couple months ago, though. This gives you a better sense of size:
  15. Doesn't that mean it can't burn in? But yeah, a name of Lucanus would be quite unfortunate. Biganus is big: Actually it looks eerily like my ET1000, but a lot bigger...
  16. So uh, what is this and how is it different from or related to or whatever the fuck to Wave? I added it but I have no idea what it's for, same for Wave, which is how I'm making the relation.
  17. ^ Sounds about right here, too. Sucks that you have to miss out on a race. =/ There's a chance of snow showers on Monday? Are you fucking serious? Should be light, though. But seriously, it needs to stop.
  18. I wonder what sounds better, a Jade or a TitAnus... Would the magic pixie dust be graphite powder?
  19. Sounds slightly underdamped and slightly darker than the K1000 now, but otherwise very good. It clamps tight since I changed the stock supraaural pads out for some circumaural ones since the stock pads killed my ears, so I'm stretching it out a bit to get a final view on the sound. I'm thinking once the post office finally opens in a week after all this goddamn snow I can make an adapter for normal bias Stax it will push the sound over the edge and make the ET1000 sound really great. Personally I think the N1000 is holding it back even from what it can achieve with the SRD-7 and upping the bias 50V should certainly change the sound a bit. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't have a clear opinion on the sound yet since it's going to change. The pads are ripped off my Philips electret headphone with the driver imbalance. I gave up on fixing it so now I'm just using it for parts. Amazingly the pads are a near perfect fit for the ET1000, as you can see. The damping scheme is very simple, I haven't touched it since the first go-around. I just ripped out the stock thick cotton fabric damping and the thin fabric over the front of the drivers, and then put in one layer of the thin grey felt as you see in pic 3 to replace the cotton and a big circle of it under the metal screens which you can kind of tell in the background of pic 3 (top left). The felt is around 1/3 the thickness of the stock cotton.
  20. I felt like I was going to die when I woke up from the pain at 4am. Luckily my dad was awake and I gasped at him to give me some cough medicine. Should be all better by Friday though. And indeed, it's that good...
  21. Damn that vixen, always playing games with our minds.
  22. Inspired by Birgir's cool Jade modding/disassembling pics, here are some of mine:
  23. Wow the Jade is expensive, especially given the reports of build quality, the pictures of Elephas's Jade, some of the sonic impressions, and some of the other headphones you can get for that amount or less. I can't really judge their worth until I hear one for myself, of course.
  24. I'd say it's damn well into blizzard territory here. I'm surprised my power hasn't gone out yet. Yeah, not going outside to shovel.
  25. I was just caught emoting to some Milstein playing Brahms Concerto with my K1000. Seriously thinking about selling off most of my 'stats.
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