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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. See Deals thread
  2. This never would've happened at Head-Place.
  3. Need to finish some other stuff by tonight, too... and practice. Busy night!
  4. Congrats on your high end 'stats! I'm so jelly. In other news I finally finished the ET1000 normal bias adapter. And uh, hell fucking yes. I'm going to try just one final small damping layer and I think it's gonna kick ass and take times. Edit: And I'm serious about that last part. Before it kind of was passive aggressive, but now it's punchy as all hell and listening to it is kind of like getting hit in the face repeatedly. In a good way.
  5. I would guess it's a matter of damping factor. With 250 ohm Beyers, damping factor is 2 with a 120 ohm jack. With 600 ohm Beyers, it's 5 so maybe try 300 ohms output impedance. Decreasing damping factor might even out frequency response but it makes the bass reflex'd bass even flabbier. If the bass is tight to begin with, it could work though.
  6. They've got an accessory for that:
  7. K brb going to the ball chopper store.
  8. I'm soooo gonna watch that tonight. Shit's gonna be cash.
  9. Past and present (some headphones might be off by one tier, depending on my mood): Tier 1 AKG K1000 Tier 2 Stax Lambda, Stax Lambda Pro, Stax Lambda Sig, SR-X mk3 -> now Pro, Jecklin PS2 Tier 3 SR-5NB, ESP10, Superex PEP-74, Beyerdynamic ET1000, AKG K340 Tier 4 Fostex T20v2, Fostex T40v1, Concept CE-H, Audio Technica ATH-702 SFI, AKG K501 Tier 5 AL im716 Tier 6 Fostex T50RP, Ety ER6i Tier 7 AKG MP and LP Sextetts Tier 8 KSC75 A lot of these rankings could and will change because I haven't gotten around to modding a lot of these headphones yet. Will get around to the ET1000 tonight, at the very least.
  10. I wonder if there will ever be enough people with Floats and live close together enough to have a Float meet (Ergos, various PMBs also welcome).
  11. Woot for Miguel, Fitz, working K1000s, and nice booze!
  12. Slow crappy bass, no mids, and peaky treble != musicality imo. Not sure what you mean by fluffy. And if you can't stand rock, how do you stand drum and bass, in which every single song sounds exactly the same and pisses me off after only a few seconds? Edit: Sorry, that wasn't supposed to come out harsh.
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. Be sure to make it to 2:08-2:15
  15. NSFW The Superficial - Ke$ha's ass. I think. Sort of NSFW http://thesuperficial.com/2009/12/and_other_news.php
  16. Amy Winehouse moves into movies Video - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Videos Don't mind the Confessions of a Dangerous Mind bit, that's where I was when I found this video.
  17. For ye photography geeks: Miniature Scale Models? Nope, they’re real and huge!
  18. IIRC He's got a pretty unusual and capable headphone, too.
  19. a delight to watch. And partake in, sometimes.
  20. I sometimes like to think of music as masturbation of the mind.
  21. Fixed the problem by jamming some bluetak in the hole. Would've worked in some felt if I could. And fuck you too, it does sound better.
  22. Tried to swap in the new strings I just got (some more Vision Solos) and the G string is too fucking thin and won't stay in the peg hole. First time this has ever happened to me and I hate it.
  23. Hey Colin's HE5, could you lightly slap Colin upside the head? Just to get him to notice you. Thanks.
  24. ^ True dat can't admit I listen to some ambient...
  25. ^ True dat
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