Past and present (some headphones might be off by one tier, depending on my mood):
Tier 1
AKG K1000
Tier 2
Stax Lambda, Stax Lambda Pro, Stax Lambda Sig, SR-X mk3 -> now Pro, Jecklin PS2
Tier 3
SR-5NB, ESP10, Superex PEP-74, Beyerdynamic ET1000, AKG K340
Tier 4
Fostex T20v2, Fostex T40v1, Concept CE-H, Audio Technica ATH-702 SFI, AKG K501
Tier 5
AL im716
Tier 6
Fostex T50RP, Ety ER6i
Tier 7
AKG MP and LP Sextetts
Tier 8
A lot of these rankings could and will change because I haven't gotten around to modding a lot of these headphones yet. Will get around to the ET1000 tonight, at the very least.