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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. Bump for win. Since I made the ET1000 DIN to Stax adapter I won't be needing the N1000 so hopefully there will be enough Stax amps that I won't need a speaker amp for anything except possibly the K1000. Also I will email Dusty tonight to remind him. Edit: 1812 yayuh. Gotta listen to some Tchaik now.
  2. So if I understand correctly, it's a way of centering the force of the movement caused by the voice coil, instead of conventional designs which push the diaphragm at the edges? Which I guess means the diaphragm doesn't need to be as stiff anymore, and the edges don't need to be as thick?
  3. Quick q: If there is a small gap between the driver and the metal baffle, would this basically be bass reflex? I'm trying to understand the bass I'm getting out of the L Sig.
  4. Hm, that's more like the 'stat and the dynamic are Siamese twins, I would think.
  5. I will now forever remember the ortho as the bastard child of a 'stat and a dynamic.
  6. Naughty little vixens, they are. But I will forgive them as long as they continue to make sweet love to my ears and respond to my tender embraces.
  7. The good kind.
  8. It's pretty damn awesome having people come by to drop stuff off, I must say. Thanks Dusty and thanks Aman! I hope to see you both next weekend (I will definitely make it to the meet). I'll listen tonight and then give a report tomorrow.
  9. I keep the 'stats in my harem relatively untainted
  10. Thanks again! If you could, could you also bring the SRM-1/Mk2? It makes it easier to compare between 'stats and most people don't use SRD boxes because they're too good for them or summat so I don't want to invalidate my opinions (though I think the SRD boxes sound good). If you can't that's fine too. Yeah Justin, I would very much like your opinion on the 404LE as well.
  11. Fugazi - End Hits
  12. OK Computer
  13. I'm doin spring break wrong
  14. I might just be daft but does Varimotion just mean the diaphragm is thicker in the middle and thinner on the outsides?
  15. Have a happy birthday, Adam!
  16. I have no idea what the Mk2 is, I just saw someone mention in the HF Stax thread that such a thing existed but don't know if it's actually real. If it is, doesn't seem like it has hit the North American market yet. In regards to the SR202, I thought it didn't have very good extension in both bass and treble and it had a kind of plasticky sound. It definitely helped to plug it into the SRM-1 Mk2 though since I thought Dusty's amp (I will never remember the model number) also sounded kinda plasticky, and also grainy in the treble. I don't remember beyond that.
  17. Nice... I'll definitely be very interested in a 404 vs. 404 Mk2 (vs. 404LE) comparison later on. Lambdas (edit: except the SR202) ftw.
  18. I've never done a real review, does that mean I get to be a veteran? I'll probably get to hear the 404LE next weekend, I expect to hear good things.
  19. Cool, thanks for the clarification.
  20. Yeah I didn't really dig the ESP950 either, the few times that I heard it, again not mentioning build quality/reliability.
  21. You mean to say that there are these small speaker driver things that you strap on your head and listen to music with? What the hell? Glad none of your gear got wet/dead due to the rain.
  22. What are your rankings? Or do you just mean they sound very different? In which case, what are your rankings?
  23. Were you listening to your K701? If so, this: fap fap fap
  24. True dat, yowza
  25. Damn that's hawt. Or this?
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