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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. Happy birthday! A good day to fling some smeg at someone when they're not looking.
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Moar info required. And I'm still waiting on that Magnum vs. SR-X Pro comparison, eejit.
  4. So Lady Gaga is indeed a man.
  5. 18AWG? Do they shrivel with age?
  6. Sliced up my face shaving with a safety razor, after not having used one in almost half a year (too lazy, just used an electric). Doin things wrong, as usual.
  7. Methinks I really need to hear the K1000 from a 300B or 2A3 SET amp sometime. And you're right, I also need to hear it out of a good vinyl setup. Very very bad for my wallet, and also will increase my level of tweakiness (always a bad thing), but I can imagine the sound to be pure bliss. Or as close to it as possible out of headphones.
  8. IMO the K1000 could do with a touch of lush warmth so the Krell may be a good match. Just a guess based on your impressions, though. The preferred amp at least nowadays for the K1000 seems to be the big tube SETs (300B, 45, 2A3). I'll be curious as to what you think of it after a bit more time.
  9. Woot, can't wait for some impressions!
  10. All three 'stats I'm bringing are more or less ready now (I've had to work on all of them, in various ways): Beyer ET1000, Stax SR-X Pro, Stax Lambda Sig. And I'm bringing the K1k. Anyone here going to be bringing a 4 pin XLR to 2 3 pin XLR adapter so I don't have to make one? And Colin do you still have the 4 pin XLR to 1/4" adapter? Sounds like Dusty is still a maybe.
  11. Fffffuuuuuu I better keep away from hearing any Qualias then! Shouldn't be a problem since they're super rare and prices are only going to go up. I'm happy with what I have, I'm happy with what I have, I'm happy with what I have.......
  12. Coming from the "other" side, synth/electric instruments will never sound like acoustic instruments. And there is something magical about hand produced instruments, in that each and every one sounds different from each and every other one, vs. specific electronic gear and specific models of instruments that people use. And of course, the players themselves have a specific way of playing, and that in combination with finding a good instrument that really jives with them makes the experience truly one of a kind. That said, I like both, as long as the music is good. I like ambient stuff, but haven't really delved into IDM as a lot of the stuff really is repetitive to me. And then there's drum n bass, in which every song sounds exactly the same as every other. I like what I've heard of Aphex Twin.
  13. Do you mean O2 or SR-Omega? I haven't heard the SR-Omega but I guess it could translate to O2 yeah, minus the funky coloration. Hopefully moar power for the O2 makes the sound less smooth and loose, and gives it some impact. And treble. Wait no, that's just my fantasy for the ideal headphone.
  14. No, when I say dark I mean lacking in treble. I'd say the mids are the right amount of forward, hinging on recessed mainly because the overtones from the treble aren't present enough. Glad you like it more than the ESP950. I doubt there are many 'stats that have more bass impact though, as the 404LE has a nice thump going, except it's made out of rubber.
  15. Stay safe and come back soon!
  16. mypasswordis

    Canjam 2010.

    Conformity ftw, registered as well. I think that means I'll have to buy a pocket protector and some mustache glasses soon.
  17. mypasswordis

    Canjam 2010.

    We should all walk into the meet wearing pocket protectors.
  18. A healthy dose of Chinese sausage, Chinese cabbage, tofu slices, rice, a blueberry Pop Tart, cheese sticks, cereal, a banana, slice of Entenmann's iced devil's food cake, edit: almonds, pepperoni pizza Hot Pocket, some wontons
  19. Holy brightness, Batman! Two layers of felt was just too much for the ET1000 and made it almost ridiculously inefficient and didn't really sound better so I had to take the second layer out and tried to compensate with a reflex dot. Yeah, I think I made it a bit too big. I also blutak'd the insides and the outsides. Everything is now properly smurf'd.
  20. I like this back and forth, it's a lot better than talking to a wall. I wouldn't say tight, per se, but I would say all the way down. It has great bass extension and that little low bass hump is nice. Not really noticing the spatial information or resolving qualities... definitely notice lack of shimmer. It's making listening to any jazz/classical a bit of a pain in the arse for me. And rock/metal actually. So pretty much everything I listen to. =/ This is just a guess but I think the rubbery coloration is coming from the not quite tight bass, in combination with possibly some small peak somewhere in the upper midrange or lower treble, in combination with the recessed (rest of the ?) treble. It is very apparent to me with kick drums and bass lines in general, maybe you can try listening for that? And of course, I don't have a HD580 or HD600 with me so I can't directly compare so I might indeed prefer the 404LE. I'll find out this weekend. Edit: Also amplification could be a factor, since I'm just using a SRM-1 Mk2. But I know it doesn't have the weird coloration I'm hearing.
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