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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. Nice! Finally bought roundtrip airline tickets to Chicago.
  2. I'm interested in the classical (and jazz, though I bet tons of other people are too).
  3. Cool, should be interesting having one more go at comparing the two, even if you get similar results the second time. I completely forgot to listen to an HD800 at the meet yesterday. In fact, I'm pretty sure I forgot to listen to everything.
  4. Hitting things with penises is best served by other mammals, including the raccoon: File:Raccoonpenisbone.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  5. A naturally occurring wild 50 pound raccoon is probably one of the most terrifying things ever. The other thing of note is apparently standard text is not in fact black, but some sort of gray.
  6. A 50 pound raccoon is not a cute little bandit. That said, yeah needs moar pics.
  7. Was it a quiet enough listening environment for you to properly compare? And did you try doing the backwave/comb filter test that wualta mentioned?
  8. yeah something about them actually sounding good
  9. thanks I do aim to please
  10. Hawt indeed, and the teflon can handle it no problem.
  11. Sorry for the really blurry failpics, I accidentally had my point and shoot camera with the "Mad Shitty" setting switched on. I also completely forgot to take pics for like 99% of it and realized this as everyone was packing up and I remembered I needed to pack my camera.
  12. Things I learned today: 1) Can't really critical listen to K1000s for shit in meet conditions 2) Meets are not for listening to headphones, they are for conversing with people you have not met in a long time, and for meeting new people 3) I'm not even quite sure I listened to anything today. It may have just been in my mind
  13. You da man, Vincent.
  14. They should also provide us with some laptops so we can HC drunk post it up. I will make sure to hear the K1000 with a B22 tomorrow and someone is hopefully bringing a Cary 300SEI so that as well, and report back.
  15. Seriously? Wow, that's awfully nice of you to do so! If you decide to get the Mk2 pads let me know and I'll buy the MkI pads off you.
  16. One of the headphones I'm planning on bringing to CJ is a fully decked out/modded ESP10 to show that Americans do or did know how to make non-shitty 'stats, but they require pads since the original oil-filled pads are not so oil-filled anymore. Since I'm a cheap bastard if I can get ahold of a pair of O2 clone pads for $45 from India I'll go with that, but failing that I'll def contact Craig, thanks.
  17. Ah that sucks. =/ I'm too cheap to pay $100 for a pair of pads.
  18. Wait what? O2MkI pads are a lot cheaper? Do they approach $45/pr? But yeah, Mk2 pads ftw, I'd get a pair or three to put on my headphones if I had the funds.
  19. I'm pretty sure drunk everybody will make an appearance at CJ. Hopefully not during the actual meet, though.
  20. I think it's more of a running gag at this point. As in I hope no one takes the bait. I also hope to get some good feedback about the ET1000 tomorrow since I'm still not 100% satisfied with the sound but don't really know what it is that's wrong or what I can do to fix it. Maybe I'm just going crazy trying to find something else to mod.
  21. Better ingest dat S2 organ.
  22. Too lazy to do a final write-up but I tried undoing the seal by either slightly lifting the pads from the sides of my head or by opening my jaw and that causes some mad crazy mid-bass and the highs become more natural. The constant bass drone gets real boring real fast, though. Summary is still the same, rubbery sound, not enough treble, not airy enough, forgiving and fun for some, etc.
  23. Very nice! I also hope to hear an SR-Omega and 4070 soon. Probably at CanJam. In other news, anyone following the HF ortho thread? So the O2MkI pads really aren't leather? I wants me some $45/pr O2 pad clones...
  24. The SR-5NB is slightly dark for my tastes, and the O2 is even darker than that, so brighter could be a good thing. That could be doable on my side... also, I hear a certain someone who digs redheads who sing metal will be moving to NYC very soon.
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