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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. For some reason this thread makes me want to DIY a plasma headphone. And bake delicious breads. Or just eat them. Stay safe, I hope there won't be eruptions closer to you.
  2. Yeah, standing up, you wouldn't even be able to hear much of anything. They need to bring back the HE60 pronto. Let us know if you ever make a HE60 from scratch/parts and how much it costs.
  3. Glad things turned out alright. Try not to overtrain and injure yourself. I was a bit too enthusiastic in kendo practice yesterday and now both the bottom skins of my halluxes (halluci?) have torn off with lots of red splotchy sore spots on my feet to boot. Now I can't risk jogging the rest of the week for fear of not being able to attend the next practice. Make sure you come back to life in time for tomorrow.
  4. The thing is, you need enough bits for that kind of treble extension. With the CD brickwall of 22kHz there's no point in going past, well, 22kHz, and in fact may be a bad thing if you do if the DAC sucks. But I would be very curious trying supertweeters out on hi-rez (outside of actually bringing out the top audible octave). A supertweeter used... outside of a closed headphone? That's pretty out there, I must say. If I understand correctly, the smaller the driver (horizontally and/or vertically), the higher the frequencies the driver will start to beam. The ribbons I see are typically long but narrow which means they have good horizontal and bad vertical dispersion. The fact that the full-range panels are so big on my Acoustats mean they beam starting from a very low frequency. Here's an example of the opposite, a short ribbon with good vertical dispersion:
  5. Yeah I keep coming across his name on diyaudio and stuff, and he's a member here. Maybe I'll start a thread or something. All I can say is, sitting in front of two 6' x 3' black monoliths is actually kind of intimidating.
  6. Well I guess it is, but it's still a bit of a drive, enough that I wouldn't really want to drive there and back in the same day unless need be. And I wouldn't really want to stay there overnight unless I could crash at someone's place.
  7. Congrats! But it will be sad not living within driving distance from Colin anymore. For awhile, at least.
  8. That's exactly what I'm thinking of using them for, if I decide to. I'm thinking crossover point maybe around 14-16kHz. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Any of you have problems with dispersion/beaming? Ie does the supertweeter pretty much have to be level with your head and pointed directly at you?
  9. Wait, looking at this set: 2 Acoustat Medallion MK-121-B Transformers for Speakers - eBay (item 390180226827 end time Apr-14-10 14:08:04 PDT) And comparing to what I saw when I opened up mine yesterday, I'm pretty sure mine are also MK-121 but I think it said 2B. Have to check. The bias board looks very similar (voltage tripler and the 50k resistors) but the bias board on mine is flipped and the box is very cramped compared to mine. And there were three transformers in mine, one for bass panels, one for mid panel, and one for bias iirc. Edit: Er, scratch the tripler, I meant quintupler. Counting fail. I have to check mine again.
  10. Sadly the normal ones. At least I got a pretty good deal. Do you know where to get the Medallions (inexpensively)?
  11. Anyone have experience with them? If you do, please let me know the details and what you think of them. What you're using, how they're setup physically, crossover frequency, dispersion characteristics, horn vs. ribbon, etc. Oh, and uh, how they sound. Thanks.
  12. There's some weird things obscuring my view of the goods...
  13. I got some new 'stats today, they run off 5kV and are 6 feet tall. Any opinions on how to strap them to my head and run them off an iPod?
  14. lolcoustat modlol 3
  15. Well you certainly couldn't urinate or masturbate in them after breaking them in. There might not even be enough space for a flaccid penis anymore. Which explains a lot of things. urdoinitrite
  16. Impressive purchase, as always! My envy of your cartridge collection and setup in general knows no bounds.
  17. Reminds me of this thread: Shrink-to-Fit Levis. Who has experience? - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  18. Why the heck did he think lower impedance was a good idea? The black looks alright, but hopefully he has better quality pads (they look different in the pics, actually), and I wish there was some cushioning with the headband. The problem with the HE-5 was QC and because Fang or whoever was fooling around with different damping schemes so the buyers were pretty much the beta testers, which is why sound impressions were all over the place. Hopefully it won't be more of the same.
  19. Lying out in the sun and screwing the work we're supposed to get done? Yeah it's pretty good.
  20. Also, what do you guys think of the 2.5R in general and the one currently on the 'bay with shot tweeters? Seems worth a try to me, and my dad has always wanted to try some Maggies.
  21. Who doesn't love periodic updates.
  22. I, for one, applaud his out of box thinking.
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