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Everything posted by lgo51

  1. I have not followed the market lately, but my impression is that the PS-X800 generally goes for less, maybe under $500 USD? A-gon's BlueBook service might be helpful to you. Let us know what you discover! Cheers, LarryO
  2. Sure... 8.2 kR would certainly give you a taste of the sound in that region of loading... just enable both the 47k and 10k loads at the same time, but do turn off all capacitive loads to minimize the variables.
  3. You might simply add another 10K resistor in parallel with the existing one for each channel [L/R]... maybe R1 and R22 if I guess right from your pix. Then select the 10K switch position for each channel. That way you do not have to remove the original resistors and could reverse the change if you did not care for it. Do you have a multimeter to check the values [cart unplugged] with?
  4. I finally got up the nerve to measure the DL160 with my LCR meter, measured as: 405/410 uH and 158/158 R [L/R], and would suspect that your DL110 is quite similar. A 1 kR load will just about exactly tame the rather large resonance at 500 kHz and yields just over 3 deg phase shift at 20 kHz, but it also robs the cart of about 1.2 dB (-13%) of output signal Noodling around with the model, I settled on a value of about 4.7 kR as a good compromise; only about -0.3 dB (-3%) loss and a less than 1 deg phase shift at 20 kHz. I liked the change, the 1 kR load seemed to damp the upper registers a bit too much for me. Maybe you could have a listen with a 4.7 - 5.1 kR load and tell us how it sounds to you? BTW: What opamp chips are used in the PS-1 ? Cheers,
  5. He is indeed the best ZYX distributor, I thought I saw a post for just under $500 over on that other site. I've just begun to break-in my Denon DL-160 cart on the Sony. Have not heard the 110 so can not compare the two, but even early into the process I'm liking some of the sound better than the Shure V15Vmr... but hoping the 'body' begins to bloom sometime soon. One obvious plus is the much lower groove noise, maybe that stylus shape IS better? Cheers,
  6. Yes, the PS-X800 certainly can and does adjust the arm Balance (VTF). In fact, it only adjusts the VTF upon; power-up, cue-in, and parking. I would be surprised to learn that it is able to alter the Effective Mass of the arm assembly which is determined by the physical weight and geometry of the assembly. It is the Effective Mass (not VTF) that interacts with the compliance of the cart's cantilever that determines the tonearm's resonance frequency. If one knows two of those variables, the third can be deduced. Targeting the broad range of 8 to 16 Hz as the resultant resonant frequency is considered desirable, with much debate about where in that range is optimal. As nifty as the Sony table is, I must differ with your statement that; Maybe I missed something; have the politicians moved to revoke Newtonian physics when we were not paying attention? There's a nice tutorial here: http://www.theanalogdept.com/cartridge___arm_matching.htm Cheers, BTW: I *wouild* like to know what the add-on weights measure
  7. If anyone locates a suitable extra weight for balancing heavier carts that information would be most welcome. Also, has anybody discovered the Effective Mass of the tonearm? I can not find that in the Sony literature and do not have a test record to do the empirical resonance determination to back into that variable. This would be very handy to help select cartridge compliance. Cheers, LarryO
  8. How do you like the ZYX Bloom ? Think'n about that one myself.
  9. When I repair the newly found 16.5, I'll have a NG1 for sale - first dibs are yours if you like ...and the magic box is
  10. HINT: the setup info is in the SM too Sounds like a good deal. I'm a real fan of the vacuum assembly - really does work wonders. I'll be curious to learn of your experiments with that part. I'm about to push BUY for a DL-160, like the niftier stylus shape. Did some dig'n and it seems that these carts really like a 1k ohm load. Reportedly more balanced than the stock 47k load. Cheers,
  11. I have a PS-X800 as well. Scored a copy of the manual on another site (not sure if it's okay to mention or not, PM if you have trouble locating it in the engine). No guides needed, just an accurate metric ruler. Found a used Nitty Gritty Record Cleaning System Model 1.0 for about what that 'extra' cart cost you. Fix-up bits/supplies readily available, works far better than I ever imagined. Can't play without it anymore. Not optional, and great ROI. Don't overlook the interconnect cables from the Sony. Removed mine and added teflon cored, gold RCA jacks to the back panel. PITA to do, but well worth the trouble. BTW: arm and internal wiring measured to be about 27pF, so if your using a MM cart that might be handy to know. Gotta say; one-button cue-play-park sure is sweeeet. Cheers,
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