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About jeffreyj900

  • Birthday February 9

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  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Location
    Atlanta, GA
  • Interests
    Music, Audio, Guns (Pistols), College Football
  • Occupation
  • Headphones
    Etymotic ER-4P; JH Audio JH16 Pro
  • Sources
    iPod Touch 5g, iPad 4g, PS Audio Perfect Wave Dac Mk II
  • Other Audio Gear
    Harbeth C7ES3 (Rosewood), Manley Lab Series 100 Mono-Blocks and Manley Jumbo Shrimp

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  1. I recently purchased a Synology DS411+, LINK. It's compatible with all OS including Mac. I have a Macbook Pro. Very easy to setup. Very cool interface, LINK. It'll do everything but bake a cake. Might be more than you need. It comes in 1,2,4,5, etc. bay configurations. All have the same user interface and features. The DS411+ has 4 bays that I filled with 2TB drives. The system has RAID Management built in. I went with Raid 5. I chose the DS411+ because: Duo Core 1ghz processor, 512 mb ram, allows third party applications to run on it including Squeezebox Server, gigabit port, iTunes server, SMB/CIFS, IP Camera support with surveillance software built in, can host websites, e-mail server, host pictures with software to share with friends/family, and is DNLA compatible. I have two PS3's and plan to store all my movies and music on it for streaming. Was in the market for a Modwright Tranporter to replace my Denon Exmplar 3910 (it's for sale now). However, I bought a PS Audio Perfectwave. Got a great deal on it from Underwood Hifi. I have not bought the bridge yet, but plan on doing so soon I believe you get what you pay for here. I didn't compare to QNAP or others.... Lastly, it's built like a tank. Two big fans in the back and it runs cool. Kinda loud with the 4 7,200 RPM drives in it. Plan on putting it in a back bedroom in the near future. Not super loud, but worth mentioning. The Synology forums are really good and supportive as well. The company seems to be committed to continual enhancements. Setup: PS Audio Perfectwave Dac -> Manley Jumbo Shrimp -> Manley Lab Series 100 Mono Blocks -> Harbeth HL-P3ES-2
  2. WOW... Just got back. What an amazing setup. He took me through all kinds of different vinyl. My favorite was the 45 RPM Metallica. Just AMAZING. Got to hear some new stuff as well: Hugh Masekela, some Jazz from Japan on the Three Blind Mice label, Satchmo Plays King Oliver, Allison Kraus - So Long So Wrong, some Lyle Lovette and a BUNCH of others. Thanks for having me over Tom, I really enjoyed it. Oh, the speakers are HUGE compared to my baby Harbeth's. I think there will be some SHL5's in my future.
  3. Getting ready to head over to Tom's for a listen!
  4. Manley Lab Series 100 Mono Blocks - 100 WPC - Pre-cursor to Snappers
  5. Nope. I finally got an amp for my Harbeth's though.
  6. Great news Miguel! Enjoyed talking and getting to meet you.
  7. I had a great time at the meet. Good to see the usual cast of characters as well as new. Always enjoy getting to hear Purk's stuff.... Enjoyed the L3000's the most in my setup. It's hard to get a good listen at meets. Really liked the Extreme that Brent brought. Nice job NG. The HP-1's were very nice. I just can't listen to Grado's for long, uncomfortable. Liked the HD-800's. I think if I was going to get another headphone it would be those or JH13's. Heard some stax for the first time. Couldn't get a seal on Trav's set. The others were... I forget, but sounded nice. The dac above that dsavitsk comments on, VERY nice looking. The picture really doesn't do it justice. It was hooked up to that amp when I stopped by with some HF-1's. However, nothing was coming through. My ADD took over and I went on to the next thing. Always enjoy listening to Fitz's K1000's and that amp of his. Brent is as crazy as ever. Hard to believe those were his offspring. Miracles do happen I suppose. Purk was lucky to get his R10's back. My wife liked them cause she thought the wood was pretty. Need to get together with Purk for some serious listening. Would like to compare the SDS and ZD as well as his 5910 and my 3910. I am anxious to try the Amprex 7062's in the 3910. I have the stock GE's I got from RiceBoy when I purchased it. I was proud of Cybertron leaving with more than he came with! He went home with Brent's HF-1/HF-2 matching serial number combo..... PS: That first pick of Trav ROCKS! Brent, much better pics this year versus the one's of the toilet you posted last year.
  8. I'll be there as well.
  9. I got this virus. Ended up have the guys re-image my laptop.....
  10. Going to see Avatar in IMAX 3-D
  11. Travis! Hope things are going well man. I had "several" beers yesterday watching football. No hang over though.
  12. x3, got a listen at the ATL meet.
  13. I have nor_spoon's brother ZD #65.... My source is an Exemplar Denon 3910. GREAT combination. Oatmeal#'s, I do enjoy my Pico Dac with the ZD which you might consider.
  14. Just bought a used copy of Def Leppard Pyromania [MFSL]. A little disappointed. Not the sound quality I get out of other MFSL discs.....
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