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Doctor Pork

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Everything posted by Doctor Pork

  1. If the DAC of this thing struggles to compete with the Aria DAC, I hope that he don't charge much money for this "upgrade" as the Aria DAC essentially was a bonus thrown in for free. Given the anemic and lifeless sound of that DAC, it certainly feels good knowing that I didn't pay extra for it back then. Atleast the sound was clean if that is much of a compliment...
  2. I found this place around last christmas I believe when I googled for something I believe, I can be wrong about the time though with a month. I have hardly read head fi except for a few threads that piqued my interest over the last year or two out of frustration with the infinte amount of threads about cheap portable headphones and "recommend me headphones as I am too lazy to do any research". I am not using my head fi name here as that one is based on my real name and I have decided to not use such names anymore unless I am on forums with people primarily from my real life surroundings.
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