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Everything posted by CelticPhrost

  1. How does the HA2-MK II SE compare to the GLite or GS-1?
  2. I would conjecture that with the high IQ and unchannled mental agility, he's under the influence of medication that probably doesnt interact too well with the alcohol, at best he's harmless; annoying, but harmless. And fun to watch spiral down!
  3. :rofl: Send me an invite to the pending nuptial Vicki!
  4. It's back online: http://www.jenalabs.com/headphones/sony-r-10.html
  5. Hmmm.. McNasty.. interesting name. I think it's an allusion to Horace Silver's Filthy McNasty, a man of rather dubious character. So what's the latest on this saga?
  6. Seems like you have a cockblocker, already...
  7. I would have to think audiogon, et. al. would be sort of an uphill battle, considering they have much more of a following on other sites, compared to HF.
  8. Haha you guys are relentless!!
  9. Keep the pressure on! Maybe we can drive him to drink and really show his ass!!
  10. :rofl: this is unfuknbelievable!!!
  11. This is too much I come here to learn bout audio gear and instead I get a good laugh! I cant tke it anymore!!! I gotta show my wife this !
  12. Ha ha ha I have been following this saga for days, I vote that Dogfish/shit be allowed back on the forum! I could use a good laugh while on break! c'mon guys! :rofl:
  13. Hell I could have done the same amount of damage for HALF the price! Anyone interested in me butchering their cans, send a PM
  14. Thank you for the welcome! I've been lurking here and head-fi for a while. Sorry for the poor chap's loss, but it's good that this came out in the open! I was almost close to purchasing their power conditioning unit, before this came to light.
  15. Poor R10s! It's blatantly obvious Jena Labs is trying to CYTA!
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