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About NoBusinessBeingHere

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. > So, why haven't you posted there in 2 years? Because the expertise & quality of discussion is high there & being clueless didn't feel I'd much to contribute. Unless I feel it'd be a benefit to someone I don't post. > Clueless is an understatement. > I especially like the thinly veiled threats among the moral high ground. Real classy. There are no threats there. Thought most of the post was just a statement of obvious fact & that there are usually ramifications for one's actions. Perhaps a bit over the top e.g. ones choosing to benefit a community such as this (the moral bit to which you refer?) & assuming you've any responsibility for others' actions. Would be beneficial to most & what most would like to see I think is clarifying any errors in the content of the post. E.g. providing meaningful counterpoint/correction to any of its points. Don't expect that here, more just the FU posts that serve to support my post, but I'd like to be proven wrong here by any valid/justified debate or response. We all get things wrong & overlook things and I'd like to be proven wrong on at least some of the points. Especially as several members here know me personally from meets, etc, that I had respect for & conversed with. May check in now & then to see if any of this happens.
  2. Point taken, and a good one it is. Thanks to your post (action) I've removed those tasteless analogies.
  3. This is the 2nd thread I'm posting to here, again for the benefit of some & what will be the entertainment of others. Got snagged in bait in the form of character assaults against someone that contributed so much for so long and for nothing in return. Many here have benefited & enjoyed his efforts for the DIY community. Who cares what I think, just some self-evident points: * everyone decides the company they keep, the groups they belong & contribute to. It reflects & contributes to their integrity & character. * anyone contributing or "moderating" here may be in effect supporting & condoning the acts of all of its members, either through action or inaction. * in real life one can rarely act with impunity & even less-so on the web. Placement agencies & employers use aggregation tools to collect, correlate & report one's (suspected) web presence. The obscurity of your username/handle impacts this of course. However remote, I'd not want to worry about what I've posted or participated in affecting my employment. And then there's the specter of libel suits being successfully conducted against some poor souls on the web. Even if you diss the moral question of participation here, maybe the non-zero possibility of material impact is something you cannot dismiss. * those here that know better say little to dissuade its assholes. A couple of the few members here I've contacted directly say they agree with what I'm saying but don't act in the knowledge it'd have little or even negative effect on the situation. A couple have confided they've lost all respect for some key, vocal players here. Obvious question is why you'd choose to remain & contribute to such forums instead of ones with merit & some moderation like diyaudio.com. I know the HC credo is sort of "a place to let assholes be themselves" e.g. more like a bar hang-out where you can behave like a bunch of immature shitheads griping with one-another while pissing on anyone new to come along. As such its often a vile cesspool one should think twice about swimming in. And its not a bar where one can get drunk & let loose amongst friends, it's a web presence whose content comes up in google searches (for example), possibly a permanent part of your portfolio. Know its all opinion like much of what's on the web, and everyone knows to take it or leave it, but know that here you're contributing to a forum that prides itself in lack of common decency & respect for others. Everyone here should weigh the positives & negatives of participation. Anyone that feels the above has no merit or basis can fire away with what they mistakenly think is impunity. It's fun! cfcubed
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