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High Rollers
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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. Yep I have Eli too. He's no Drew Brees.
  2. Congrat Shelly.
  3. Nevermind. The just items I follow was checked. Carry on.
  4. Anyone else having problems getting anything to come up via View New Content?
  5. He's a Jedi. Or maybe he has the rubber loop around his finger.
  6. Some pictures from the Hell Run: ^^ Hanzi und Franzi ^^ "No really I have no idea who these people are." ^^ "Who parked these cars in the middle of the race track?" ^^ "Is that what I think that is down there?" ^^ "Yes. Yes I am Coolio. Just decided to change up the do." ^^ "I've got no rhythm. I've got no rhythm. ..." ^^ "Ah excellent. I need to wipe off some of this mud." ^^ "Watch out for gorillas." ^^ "Uh huh huh huh." ^^ "Hmmmm. I guess that's deeper than it looks." ^^ "I hope that's a fish in my leotards!" ^^ "Holy General Theory of Relativity Batman!" ^^ "I wonder if leotards was the best fashion choice?" ^^ "I smell BBQ!" ^^ "This is the last obstacle! You are going down this hill!" ^^ "We're done! And we look good" ^^ "OK. I guess I do know them. Vaguely" You will also notice that this was the culmination of years of training for all of the participants. It was a great time and Coolio is still Coolio.
  7. ^^^ Nice! That is a beautiful area. Have a great time.
  8. Agreed about vinegar in the Mustrd sauce and Texas Chili and I grew up in the Midwest and spent 20 years in SC so I ain't no damn Yankee.
  9. I'm with Dan that BBQ has to be pork based. I do prefer SC style (mustard based sauce) to NC style, slightly, but both are mucho mo betta' than Texas "BBQ".
  10. At Hawthorne race track at the Hell Run waiting for Coolio.
  11. Sitting in our room at the Hilton Rosemont. Tomorrow Karen and her sister do the Chicago Hell Run at Hawthorne Park.
  12. That's awesome Al. Welcome back to the travel team.
  13. I really need to hear the Amperior since I am a big fan of the HD 25-1 II.
  14. I have three. Two are logitechs and they are OK. The one I really like is a Microsoft Notebook presenter 8000 mouse. Has worked flawlessly since I bought it (at least 3 years) and works with every PC and Mac I have tried it with. Not sure if it is still available but their current notebook Bluetooth model looks like an updated model.
  15. True. But my first pick would not have been an RB. Just Sayin' ...
  16. EIU is part of Internet0.0001
  17. No way he would have been my first pick.
  18. Blech! Not impressed with the autopickbot.
  19. In no particular order: Wilson Pickett - In the Midnight Hour James Brown - I Got You Wilson Pickett - Mustang Sally Al Green - Take Me to the River Smokey Robinson and The Miracles - Tracks of my Tears
  20. Except in Lake Wobegon.
  21. What time are we drafting tomorrow for league two. Edit: Nevermind. I guess I should read my 67 emails I have already
  22. Happy Birthday Jack!
  23. Yes, yes I can.
  24. That looks like a lot of fun Grahame. Glad you could start easing Al back into some fun.
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