Wow, even Viking splinters are big and nasty!
Weird day today. Went to a soccer tournament held in CU with some of the games on UIUC fields. First game at 8:00 am, so get up around 5:30 and leave the house around 6:15. First game goes fine. Next game scheduled for 1:20. Run errands and have lunch. Starts raining at lunch. First game delayed until 2:00. Game set to start and ref refuses to allow the game because there is a puddle in front of one of the goals. Coaches parlee with ref and suggest that they move one goal forward about 10 yards and the other back 10 yards, moving the puddle back. Nope, campus rec says the goals cannot be moved but they will send someone out. Now, if you have ever tried to get anything done within a University bureaucracy, you can predict what happened. Two guys come out in their golf cart, survey and ponder the situation, attempt to squeegee off the water, get back in their cart, make a quick phone call and leave. Come back in about 5 minutes with a bigger squeegee. Another phone call, two more guys show up (one who used to play with ZZ Top). They all get out and survey the situation, another phone call. A supervisor arrives, they move one goal forward 10 yards, the other back 10 yards. The game finally starts at 4:00 pm. But that's not the weird part.
So we get back into Charleston at about 6:15 pm and find that the street leading into our neighborhood is blocked. So we go around and approach from the opposite direction but it is blocked from that direction also. Find out that it is being blocked by the Charleston police, Coles County Sheriff SWAT Team and the State Police because some douchebag has barricaded himself inside of his house. So we drive around to the opposite side of the ravine that partially surrounds our neighborhood. Park the car at the end of that street, climb down the ravine, climb back up the opposite side of the ravine through our neighbors back yard and finally arrive back home at about 7:30 pm.
I think I am going to write a novel.