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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. Well, I know it was not The Tice, since the pieces are still large enough to photograph.
  2. My comment is specific to treatment in the US and our "unique" healthcare systems. There are many syndromes where there are simply a multiplicity of routes that lead to the symptoms manifesting themselves. In the US, and in my experience, many of the physicians either do not spend the time talking and actually listening to their patients. The old time family practitioner is rare. Sometimes knowing the patient is necessary in disentangling the cause. We went through a whole serious of practitioners with our sons IGA nephropathy until we actually found that listened to what we actually told them.
  3. Or it's because they only treat the symptoms rather than the underlying cause which is more difficult because of individual variation
  4. I have no faith in the ability of modern medicine to treat any kind of chronic condition. Period. End of statement.
  5. Happy Birthday Zach!
  6. RIP Lacey and Bruce.
  7. Fuck! RIP Hedley
  8. Right on the money.
  9. @Al: totally jealous @Dan: hope you have a tape measure marked in cubits. Me: played goalie for the after game formed by the Latino parents of some of the players on Peter's soccer team. I totally lucked out as my defense consisted of the matriarca from the various families. So between them and a goalie with a knife, we kicked ass
  10. ts;dr
  11. Sounds great.
  12. Yeah my Caldigit dock is nowhere near as full featured. But then again, it actually exists and I have been able to actually use it for a few months.
  13. Try traumeel. Comes in pills and ointment. My 57 year old body definitely gives it 2 thumbs up. Also no gastric or kidney side effects.
  14. Happy Birthday Big Al! From the guys
  15. I love Dino Kale
  16. Same here. As whole episodes the last two were easily the best IMO. The final episode by itself is the best cinema I have seen in recent memory, again IMO.
  17. Agree with both comments above. Good stuff!
  18. I really do not see what is wrong with the shape. Unless I am missing something this is not meant to be used like a mobile DAC but rather as a transportable DAC. Can you really appreciate "Studio-Quality Sound" in a mobile environment? Besides, that shape may work for some in their pockets.
  19. Happy Birthday Ryan!
  20. Damn that looks good. Nice play young man.
  21. We run the output from the dishwasher into our sink disposal.
  22. Evernote is good stuff.
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