I have actually never had Stagg Jr. but I do remember Bryan commenting that it was not exceptional, especially compared to Stagg Sr.
Whiskey Advocate has ratings and reviews. They also put on WhiskeyFest and new this year is a D.C. WhiskeyFest.
Sazerac Rye for me is a must-buy when I see it. I have a couple of Compass box that are not peaty. I would check them out but they are currently stored in a less than easily accessible location.
For software development I would go with at least 8Gb RAM and a fusion or SSD drive. The 2014 models are significantly harder to upgrade either RAM or HD/SSD. I also would not go with the headaches associated with a Hackintosh. I like saving money but I hate wasting time more. Mac Sales (OWC) has nice refurbished/upgraded Macs.
Watched two soccer games today with this guy ...
He in fact hung around all day. I thought he had left when we packed up to leave but when I got in the car and took off my jacket he popped out and jumped into the door handle cutout. Rode all the way home with us so when we arrived home I scooped him up and put him in the garage to feast on the insects living there.
Happy Birthday, Mike!
You and Deb, along with the rest of the Chicago crew, are some of the few things I miss from Illinois. Have a superior day my friend.
Happy New Year Al, Steve and Antonio.
@Antonio - the cecina was beef not veal. I wanted to order the veal but it would not have arrived in time for New Year’s Eve. This was my New Years surprise for the family and based upon how fast it was consumed, was a great success. Thanks for the reminder.