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Posts posted by morphsci

  1. I kinda wish I had some idea of how it sounds versus a ES-1... but the finality of a BHSE (No upgrades) is pretty appealing to me.

    Well shoot if you end up getting them both by some miracle perhaps finally we can have someone do a comparison :)

    Well I should be able to do some comparisons in a few months ;D

  2. Hell yeah!!

    Has anybody in California received their Economic Stimulus Checks?

    (note: migration erased my location, just re-entered)

    My stimulus check was supposed to be mailed no later than the 13th, and I have not received it yet. There website is of no use either.

    Is there a reason why you guys didn't have them do a direct bank deposit? We received our check, via direct deposit on May 9th.

  3. How do you like them in comparison to the rest of your stuff?

    Soundwise, I think they are the best closed headphones that can be driven by a reasonably powered amplifier. My only issue with them is that after 1 1/2 to 2 hours they become uncomfortable for me to wear. That's why I use them at my home desktop (shorter listening sessions) but not at work where I use recabled Denon D2000s (longer listening sessions).

    They don't get any play on the big rig since I much prefer any of my balanced cans.

  4. Dude, you know the 3G just got announced, right? I mean, fortunately there's an upgrade path, but if it's only been a day or two, return it, and wait a month (it's due July 11th).

    Well its the touch and not the iphone so I'm not sure what new touches will be coming out soon. I did get it for a good price since it was open box plus I had a bunch of BB rewards from our TV purchase a while back.

    is that the one modified by audiocats? Is the bottom an external power supply?

    Yes it is. Audiocats is a great guy to work with. I am a big believer in the importance of power supplies and this mod has only made that belief stronger. This system has about as much bass now as the little SR-001/003 is capable of (based on comparison using an SR-003 on an ES-1).

    Now I'm confused. I thought the 3G was only for iphone. I know Apple likes to integrate their new stuff into their product line in a trickle down method, but also was under the impression that the ipod touch only gets wifi internet, because there is no service being paid for. So if that remains the case, why would they give away free 3G service to Touch users?

    I'm sure I've overlooked some detail in typical aardvark sandwich fashion...what is it? ???

    I don't think you missed anything, I believe Dusty thought it was an iphone not an itouch.

  5. The DT-880 600's have plenty of bass, it is just not pronounced compared to the mids and highs so it may seem recessed to some. Although not as power hungry as K340's the 880's you really can't use a fagpiley amp or they will sound thin. Running them balanced out of a GS-X sounds very good, but they have also been recabled.

    Back to the D2000's. I use them at work as I really need a closed headphone there. Although not up to the standards of the HD-25-1-II, they are much more comfortable over longer listening sessions. An APS recable certainly helps the frequency balance as it makes the bass much less pronounced caompared to the mids. They also sound better out of the tubed Shanling than they do out of the headroom portable desktop.

  6. Grawk: Sorry about your dog (family member). I totally agree with your philosophy, you can't win if you don't play.

    Reks: Congratulations on the new job. sounds like it will be a piece of cake ::) .

    Nate: Congratulations to you and your wife. Our son is the best thing that has happened to us and I'm sure you will shortly be thinking the same thing (if you are not already thinking it).

  7. :doghuh: Well it is even more hilarious as you cannot turn off or even change the amount of upsampling on either the balanced or unbalanced analog outputs. You can only use pass-through on the digital outputs. This is from the introduction of the 840c manual, "A digital output is also fitted which can even output upsampled data at various rates and word widths, independent from the main audio output, which is always set at 24/384 for best sound quality." I'm not really sure what the reviewer was smoking, I'm not even sure he had an 840c in his system.
  8. Used stock K340's will be all over the place. My first pair sounded like shit but I sent them to Larry for a recable. When I got them back, I was totally stunned by their sound. My current pair sounded very good stock and had them recabled balanced with Larry at Headphile. I would not send a pair of K340's to anyone else to mod. Larry knows the 340's very well.

    The 340's need a good amount of voltage to sound their best so balancing them really helps to deliver the power they need. When given enough power (which may mean driving them louder than other cans) they are sublime. The frequency balance is wonderful but they also do tonality right (better than the Senn 650's IMO) and just get out of the way. I may be in the minority but I actually prefer my modded K340's to the R10. Even though I run them balanced they sounded at least as good running single-ended out of the Zana as they do runing balanced on my GS-X. It has me looking now at a balanced tube amp for them.

    My suggestion is not to worry too much about the stock pair as long as they are in relatively good condition. I am not a big believer in the bass-heavy vs. bass light pairs as my take is that there is simply a lot of variation among the pairs out their since they are all relatively old and the conditions of use, storage, etc. among those pairs is very large. Modded pairs (using the same modder) brings them much closer together. My recommendation is Larry but to be honest i have not had any pairs modded by anyone else.

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