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Posts posted by morphsci

  1. Does anyone else hate the phrase "everyone is entitled to their own opinion" when used to dismiss the opinions of others with which one disagrees?

    Yes, I do. However, I do believe that and it is the concept I fall back on, sometimes unsuccessfully, to keep my arguements civil.

    Morphsci, I understand your line of thought, but my experience has been that it does no kindness to anyone to allow any individual to continue in self-deception. If fact, it's a twisted and, therefore, evil kindness to attempt to soothe what doesn't deserve soothing, ignore what's been given to us to see, and excuse what is inexcusable. That this is being presented in a group manner is the result of -=germania=- posting in group settings.

    I was not implying that every post in this thread was merely a piling on. There are posts in this thread which actually attempt to be helpful. Some of those posts are somewhat harsh, but I have no problem with them. There are also posts which are meant to be harsh and/or demeaning and those seem rather unneccessary as there is little to nothing there meant to be helpful.

    My reality is what it is, and whether pleasing or not, I like it.

    FTFY as two peoples reality may or may not converge, IMO.


    Oh I have been a bastard and will almost certainly be one again, but unfortunately it doesn't always work.


    No, I actually meant that everyone except aerius was entitled to their own opinion. But that is only because I dismiss aerius, not his opinions :P

  2. Are you sure you aren't more comfortable at HF?

    Absolutely not. Then I would miss all your gaffs.

    Jim absolutely you are correct this is a pile on, but I ask you why does this occur with some people and not others. Why were people like you and I welcomed here and others treated to a pile on?

    When I act like an asshole and someone calls me on it, I actually take a minute and think about it, consider the persons ideas and often realize hey they have a point. In this case there is zero introspection on her part. You are not a pussy for your post at all just empathetic to someone taking a hard hit.

    Oh and the size thing is a bit harsh if I were a female I'd be a size 14 or larger for sure. I'd probably not disparage other female engineering students in my headfi profile though.

    I totally agree with you, just stating an opinion about what I saw happening. I do not necessarily have a problem with piling on (and aerius) but I do have a problem with someone not recognizing it as happening when it is clearly so.

    Did she bring it on herself, well that is an individual decision. Teaching college undergraduates and having a four-year old son (Go Power rangers) has been very good in teaching me to be a bit more tolerant and to practice "Hakuna Matata" because life is too short.

    I don't expect anyone to be me or act like me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, except aerius.

  3. So this thread is not an example of piling on and gang mentality? Please. At least the people calling for honesty from the threads subject should be honest and call it what it is.

    You can take it as a criticism or an an observation and if it makes me a pussy in someones eyes, well I have been called worse.

  4. Julien bought a pair of MS2i for a little transplant project he had going. Even though cross border postal delivery can sometimes take an inordinate amount of time (In this case 8 days by International "Priority") Julien was patient and never complained. Overall, the transaction was extremely easy and I would not hesitate to deal with Julien again.

  5. I guess I understand not releasing a 64Gb touch. They probably felt they could not do it at the price-point they wanted.

    I do not understand reducing the classic line to only 120GB. I would have assumed they would have gone 120/250 from the previous 80/160. Oh well, I am no longer tempted to buy a classic.

  6. This is only the most recent of numerous transactions with Earl, both as a buyer and seller. I have never had a negative experience dealing with Earl, and this latest transaction was no exception. Thanks yet again, Earl.

  7. Regardless of where you get them from, make sure you can audition them in your room with your equipment. It varies from speaker to speaker but room interactions can drastically change the "sound" on most speakers. Internet dealers generally give you 30 days so plan accordingly. Most respectable brick-and-mortars will also give you a return period but you generally have to pay-up-front unless you have a well-established relationship with the dealer.

    Oh and another vote for the Paradigms. Now that our family room is done, (The carpet is going in as I type this) I will be buying the Studio Ref 100's, Studio Ref 20's and the CC-690 Center.

  8. I heard it sucks ... at least that's what I keep telling myself

    Nope. The output on the zapfilter is pretty hot though and tends to make people either love it or hate it. Still, with good volume matching, a zapfilter modded E5 can certainly play with the big boys. I prefer my new CD player, but it is really a matter of preference/sound signature.

    I think Earl has experience with zapfilter modded sources though, so the output level shouldn't be a problem for him. Congrats buddy! :)

    I guess I should have used a smiley and made the small print easier to see. I sold Earl the modded E5 and, although knowing better, listened to it for a while before packing it up for shipment. :( The 840c isn't really better, just different and more flexible with the digital inputs.

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