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Posts posted by morphsci

  1. I'm still bitter that the market wasn't there for SXRD rear-projection. I have the last set Sony made before pulling the plug on that segment, and it's an absolute gem. I'll cry tears of blood when it dies and I have to replace it with a flat panel.

    Yep that's what our 60" is. The SXRD technology is really great and the picture is stunning when you get it calibrated. I'm not too worried about replacing it as that will (hopefully) be a few years down the line and video technology seems to be going at a pretty good clip now.

    Now for the obligatory "lasers" image:


  2. We have a 60" Sony rear projection Monitor in our family room. The viewing distance is about 12'. When we first got it the screen seemed huge as it replaced a 27" CRT. We now both agree that we could easily go bigger, especially when watching sports.

    Unless you really think you need the Plasmas black levels and (maybe) faster refresh rates I would go with the LCD's. The technology increases on LCD's has made the gap really small between LCD and plasma.

  3. Edmund Burke said quoted from here: Quote Details: Edmund Burke: All that is necessary... - The Quotations Page:

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    In our culture today one could ask who are those "good men?" Today those that are less than "good men" would want all people to think everyone is a crook and without honor. When they get you thinking that way then everyone would be thought of as being without honor. Crooks are always going around undermining men of honor. Men of honor need not apply today since our culture does not identify any as a "good men." The it "goes both ways" note quoted above is to be taken in this context.

    Therefore, any behavior may seem to be justified no manner how reprehensible, even a holocaust can seem a reasonable endeavor. Socialist are known for holocaust type behavior, at least they were in the 20th Century; i.e., China, U.S.S.R., Cambodia and Germany where over 100 million of their own people were killed in the name of socialism and their experiments with social equality.

    I think I have said enough in this thread. Thanks

    Reading practice much comprehension? You truly are a moron. The it goes both ways was not an indictment of both sides (but I guess you were too lazy to look up the word anecdotal) but merely the reality that you can find individual incidents to bolster any side of any case. My point was that neither your example nor mine represented an overwhelming pattern or trend.

    Sorry Nate, but that is as nice as I can be when someone implies that I am "less than a good man". Especially when it is implied (i.e. have the balls to come right out and say what you mean) and when it is based upon their complete lack of reading comprehension. I guess eight years of not valuing education in this country has taken its toll.

  4. Especially if properly browbeaten:

    NC Teacher for Obama Browbeats Kids : NO QUARTER

    Check out Finish video of an US classroom teacher and her children.

    Goes both ways. A local teacher here was put on academic leave pending an investigation of verbally abusing students that made positive comments about Obama or negative comments about McCain. Caused quite an uproar at the local school board meeting. Neverthesless, both are merely anecdotal.

  5. erk3v4.jpg

    That is a valid point. School aged children are capable of making up their own minds and forming a coherent thought. Republican vice-presidential candidates (and current POTUS) are not. Thanks for reminding me. :P

  6. You were in Miami and didn't let me know.

    We were in Miami for the annual wildlife conference at the downtown Hyatt. Between meeting committments and our son there wasn't really any time for anything else. Besides it seems as if you were jet-setting around yourself quite a bit the last few days. I always get annoyed when my grown-up life intrudes on my hobbies :mad:.

  7. It's reasonable for a president to pick people he agrees with as his cabinet. And again, I'd bet that Bush's cabinet is at least as diverse in opinion as Obama's will be.

    Well Ingwe already pointed it out. Surrounding yourself with people of varying opinion is only worth something if they are allowed to freely express those opinions and if the opinions are seriously considered.

    If you need examples look at the EPA, FDA, and FWS reports that had scientific evidence removed because it didn't support the political agenda. The pressure came directly from the top filtered through the respective cabinet posts.

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