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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. It also has the Apple authentication chip so it can receive the unprocessed digital data from your iphone/ipod.
  2. Here's one mans explanation: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/03/science/03conv.html
  3. I don't know how the TungSol sound but I would not pay more than $20 - $30 max depending upon how I felt about the seller. Right now a lot of the 6F8G tubes on ebay seem to be going for inflated prices. I guess I need to let Icarium buy all he wants before I put in bids. Oops. Nate beat me to it. He is absolutely right, if you are going to pay the high prices you may as well go with the 6SN7s.
  4. If God can do anything, can He/She create a rock so big that He/She cannot lift it?
  5. Actually, you just think they are JH13s, they are actually Monster Turbines.
  6. Thanks everyone. I had a nice relaxing day listening to music and taking the time to do some necessary retagging and rearranging of music. Just finishing up a nice martini made with Luksusowa vodka and Vya extra dry vermouth.
  7. Yep, if they are going to pay the difference why not a 13" MBP?
  8. I concur. The Pico and the GSX do not share a sonic signature using both single-ended. I currently have both.
  9. Happy Birthday
  10. Dinsdale! Dinsdale! Dinsdale!
  11. It is a fairly inexpensive one for a five-year old just starting to learn the piano. But it is nice to buy something that is able to create music rather than just recreate it.
  12. Well I just received my copy of the mono box set (although I have been listening to them for a while ). They are incredibly nice, especially if you can actually remember buying albums when that was the only format available. I also have another copy on order. If someone wants it, let me know, otherwise I will just cancel the order. They do not seem to be hard to obtain anymore.
  13. I was thinking the same thing.
  14. I would add in Three Floyds to Grawks list as well.
  15. Ah that is a good point. If you do recable them you should go balanced as it gives you more options as you can use an adapter for SE. On the GSX they do sound better balanced but the difference is not as great as it is for the K340s and K701s.
  16. Well I am going to throw a monkey in the wrench here. If you like the comfort of the D2000 as well as its basic sound then I would suggest you keep it and replace the stock-for-shit cable. See how that does with your current amp and then look for an upgrade in the amp. For myself the D2000 sounds very good on the GSX as well as on the old Shanling P3000. In fact the Shanling mates pretty well with the D2000 and is not that expensive. I just sold mine but only because I replaced it with the GSX. If you want any more info you can either post here or PM me so we do not upset the anti-Denon mafia.
  17. You should be able to get the Toshiba netbook plus upgraded memory and HD and a 19 - 22" external monitor for around $600 if you look closely. The wife uses a 21" viewsonic with her netbook and she loves it.
  18. morphsci


    ^^^Then I retract the donut.
  19. morphsci


    Tree-fiddy and a Britts donut.
  20. morphsci


    I want to see his burn-in review.
  21. Ugh ... just got off the phone to replace our malfunctioning DVR receiver. Lost all of the babysitting shows on it. It totally sucks that you cannot back-up the internal HD. You can copy to an external drive, but then it wipes it from the internal drive.
  22. Happy Birthday Dude. Make sure to celebrate with liquor that is older than you because it will never be this cheap again.
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