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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. Most of the time I would have to say no. But I do have another test subject on the way, so that is definitely not my final word.
  2. Unfortunately the radiation did not cause any enormous growth type mutations. In reality, it did not seem to affect them all that much. The only thing I have noticed is after that one bit me my reflexes got a little better and seem to enjoy climbing up sheer vertical surfaces.
  3. morphsci


    Then you haven't spent any time in SD. The wind is constant, and what is termed a gust elsewhere is considered a minor breeze there. Just thinking about it makes me want to put on a coat or three.
  4. So that's what the kids are calling it nowadays.
  5. morphsci


    Try spending a winter or two in South Dakota. Makes Chicago seem absolutely balmy and windless.
  6. A Zombie president could bring some real change.
  7. morphsci


    I think your mental image needs a bit of tweaking. Chicago is not colder than Fairbanks.
  8. Mine just says "Limited Edition 3 of 10" on the back of the amp. No other serial number that I can see on either the amp or PSU. Not that it really matters anyway, the sound proves its provenance.
  9. Actually, I don't miss Herpes at all. Good riddance.
  10. That's not a bad assessment.
  11. I agree that neither party has my best interests at heart, but then again, why would they? But I have to agree with the Dreadman, to claim that they are both essentially the same is just plain wrong. You just gots to pick your poison because there is a greater probability of being attacked by a Great White Shark in my driveway than getting rid of the two-party system anytime soon.
  12. I agree with both of those statements.
  13. What was your source with the glite? and the Little Dot? Just for full disclosure.
  14. Looks like there is at least one noob that didn't read their memo
  15. Not a problem for me. I worked on a DOE nuclear site for 20 years and collected biological samples within the zone at Chornobyl, so I have it covered.
  16. Actually by definition under the 1990 Farm Bill they cannot use synthetic pesticides but organic producers are free to use "natural", usually plant secondary compounds, pesticides. I won't argue if that is a good or bad thing, but from an evolutionary point of view I am much more comfortable with non-synthetic pesticides. The real problem with that farm bill is they absolutely shot themselves in the foot by banning genetic manipulation of any crop labelled organic. There is a reason why all of the farmers from Indiana through Nebraska are utilizing BT corn. They can produce comparable yields with less pesticides. The reason they do it is it increases their net profits. As far as organic meats and poultry that is where the real advantage of organic lies IMO. I am much less concerned about pesticide residues than I am about the antibiotics and growth hormones that go into most non-organic meat products.
  17. Happy Birthday
  18. Minute by minute impressions required
  19. Happy Birthday Donut Man.
  20. Well the iMac and Mac Mini are going along, blissfully ignorant of how badly their new operating system sucks.
  21. Excellent point(s). Taking the arguement to extremes (or absurdity) to make a point probably isn't as necessary here as it is "some other places" on the internetz'. Your one person cannot make a difference arguement however does fall flat if we take the next step. For example, you do not think 1 billion Chinese seeking the life-style we are so fortunate to be able to squander is not going to "make a difference"? What would be the effect if China had the same number of automobiles per capita as the United States? Conversely, what would be the effect if the avg. mpg of autos in the United States was raised 2 mpg. To affect change, things need to move in a direction, not a specific target (e.g. everyone does not need to drive a Prius or be a Vegan). Oh, and saints/demons or heroes/villians are not born, they are made by the circumstances they find themselves in and how they choose to respond to those circumstances because everyone always has a little of both sides at all times, IMO.
  22. Yeah, you'll fit in ...
  23. OK, I get it. For me it is a fine edge. When I listen to Miles and/or some other artists, I expect to wince a little now and then. If I don't then I consider that to be a resolution/detail problem. However, it shouldn't be painful to listen to on an extended basis.
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