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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. OK, someone not a vendor, for obvious reasons.
  2. If you know anybody with a SYS-2720 or SYS-2722, have them give me a call and we'll talk.
  3. So it seems that being a shill is the new FOTM, NTTAWWT.
  4. Persactly!
  5. It sounded pretty good out of the BA at CanJam.
  6. Heh, me too.
  7. I agree also, even though my experience with the HE-90 is limited. That is a very nice comparison Elephas. I also prefer the O2's strengths compared to the HE-90's. I also feel that the SR-Omega is a somehat HE-90ed O2 in that it has a larger soundstage and headstage than the O2 and also has a more extended HF range.
  8. Good luck on the grouse search. Even with all your trials and tribulations I envy you. I could use a nice hunting trip about now.
  9. Or you could go with the simple answer.
  10. morphsci


  11. morphsci


    Hmmm ... where did I hear something similar? Oh yeah ...
  12. Sorry about the bad day Nate.
  13. Donuts
  14. The happiest of birthdays to you.
  15. Congratulations on the PR Mike. We drove up to Chicago today, stopped at McCormick Place to pick up the chip along with 44,999 other runners. Then buzzed up to the hotel only to find out they have no pool. Scrambled to keep a 5 year-old from melting down and ended up going swimming at the Lake Shore Athletic Club. Afterwards we ate an overpriced dinner and now everyone is asleep. Except me as I'm busy describing our day.
  16. Nope, I sent it back as I never really bought it. It was a free loan as I let them use my balanced amp (GSX) during CanJam. I probably would have bought it for a more extended listening session but I succumbed to the sirens call of the buffalo32. Now I actually have to finish building it
  17. Good luck Mike and Gail. Looks like your probably 40 minutes in.
  18. Because they were talking to each other in Chat.
  19. morphsci


    Although tritium does produce a beta particle, it is a very low energy beta that has a very low probability of penetrating the dead layer of skin. The real danger with tritium is from internal damage due to ingestion or inhalation. The triated paint once dry poses little hazard.
  20. I don't know I'm pretty sure old Tubez-of-fun outweighs the twins combined.
  21. Can you expand on that a little for those of us less well informed?
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