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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. You also may want to consider that those tubes match well with the Esoteric as source. I'm pretty sure that you don't want to extrapolate to other sources as the esoteric units I have heard have a definite "house sound".
  2. Happy*Rum*Birthday*Rum*Chris
  3. morphsci

    Baby O

    They don't have an HEV-70 to use?
  4. That is kind of weird. I wonder why they went that route instead of just using sonically transparent fabric?
  5. I haven't quite reached that conclusion yet, but I am almost there. Nice seeing you again Steve, really glad you could make it.
  6. I updated my impressions at Head-Fi. I really liked the Perfect Wave and I will have it in my system sometime early next year. That is saying a lot as it has no ability to utilize SACD/DSD and I still want to audition it. Resistance is Futile!
  7. Actually it really was a useful exercise. There was some medical stuff going on in the adjacent room with a speaker and amplification. It was quite loud when the door to their room opened but was very quiet in the space outside and extremely quiet in our room. Bodes well for having a relatively quiet listening atmosphere at CanJam'10.
  8. I have to agree with John, it was still unneccessarily provocative and my life just got significantly more complex. Chiunifi is a seperate event and no CanJam funds were used for it even though we moved it to a more expensive venue to gather information during an actual event. We raffled off both head-case and head-fi apparal so I do not see that as promoting either site. It is used to fund next years Chiunifi period, end of statement. However, posting that particular picture at Head-fi was unneccessary since it could have just been posted here.
  9. So its only wrong for others to make unfounded assumptions???
  10. All that be Head-Case is verboten on Head-Fi.
  11. Just finished packing up the truck for a trip to Chicago tomorrow via Peoria. I do not think there will be 20 hott chicks there.
  12. Most SACD players can output redbook CD's as PCM (or the redbook layer from a hybrid SACD) via their digital outputs so they should play fine with most DACs. SACD can be output on some players either using some proprietary connector or more recently HDMI (As DSD). The issue with that has to do with digital content protection and so the receiving DAC has to be able to "handshake" with the transport. Most DACs do not have that ability. Their are a few HT receivers and processors (with built-in DACs) that do have the ability to take the raw DSD stream and use their own (hopefully better) internal DAC for conversion. That's probably confusing as hell but I'm tired.
  13. Seconded. Time out stool?
  14. Like Reks said plus he actually took a huge dive off the deep end ranting about MAC users. Didn't really go over too well.
  15. @Regal - Back off, read a little more here and quit channeling LinuxWorks. We really do not need you to tell us how the world works nor what we should or should not like.
  16. Of course, what's funny about the name Dinny?
  17. I was agreeing with you by extending your gibberish with my own. And reks has it right, my comment was directed at Regal's statement of certainty backed up by the gods of whatever.
  18. Or we could just say dumb ass assumptions (not hypotheses as they were imperative statements and not interogatory) made without any data are just fucked-up stupid no matter who makes 'em or where they are made.
  19. Very true, but that is not the arguement being perpetuated in this thread: i.e. "X DAC has Y chip so it is better than all DACs using Z chip because everybody with a weird name knows that Y chip eats Z chip for lunch, Dude."
  20. Wow. I think they are ready to get into the audiophile cable making business.
  21. ^^^ But isn't he dead?
  22. Why would I give a fuck what they said? Just because they have goofy sounding names? Should I also ask Steve jobs what he thinks of Windows 7? This isn't Head-Fi, appeals to "authority" are dealt with severely.
  23. See, our plan worked.
  24. Do the same guys QC the chips?
  25. Well that's the rub then, isn't it.
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