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High Rollers
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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. All right then, good to go on my end.
  2. ^^^ How well do carnitas FAX?
  3. William Perry - Large but nice Michael Dean Perry - Not as large but nicer Mel Torme - Very nice, generous and cool Strom Thurmond - Scary in a skeletor kind of way
  4. I have an Evo 4g. The apps I use the most are tapatalk, photobucket, dropbox, Pandora and PDANet. Until I bought an extended use battery however, the Evo had shitty battery life. Now it is great, rarely below 65% even with broadband, wifi, Bluetooth and GPS on all day.
  5. Late to the thread, but sorry about the wrist re-injury, Al. Good thing you prefer stirring to shaking.
  6. morphsci


    So when you list your gear make sure to also include the liquid gear you will be bringing, if any, not necessary for participation.
  7. morphsci

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Yeah, I'm already saving up my Pennies and Happy New Year.
  8. morphsci


    That still works for me.
  9. morphsci


    Either date will work for me. Oh, and I vote for the Real Tequilla.
  10. You may want to peruse your welcome PM.
  11. morphsci

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    You're killing me here.
  12. Good job Dinny. Just make sure your training doesn't cut into your drinking time.
  13. That would be nice and will probably occur based upon the direction they seem to be going. iPad end = stream-to-me. Mac/PC end = serve-to-me. Seems OK to me, especially when using camera adaptor and Pico DAC/amp.
  14. Or you could just use serve-to-me.
  15. morphsci

    Audeze LCD-2

    ^^^ Cool Beans
  16. Cool. The multitasking will be nice but for me the wireless printing will be the biggest improvement.
  17. morphsci


    I'm in of course. Now the hard part, coming up with a signature drink for the event. Unfortunately, red vodka has already been taken.
  18. Works for me. You grill and I pour?
  19. I'm in! Also just bought a bottle of Plymouth gin, let the grand experiment begin.
  20. ^^^ I like it. The wheels are turning.
  21. Nice purchases Mike, Mike and Al. I need to get the wife an eye-fi for her camera. A few bar purchases. Angostura and Regan's orange bitters, Fee Brothers orange flower water, orgeat syrup and whiskey barrel aged aromatic bitters, Luxardo Maraschino cherries and a new Absinthe spoon.
  22. That amp belongs in an art museum. That is a beautiful design Frank.
  23. IPad + Camera Kit + Pico DAC/Amp FTMFW!
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