William Perry - Large but nice
Michael Dean Perry - Not as large but nicer
Mel Torme - Very nice, generous and cool
Strom Thurmond - Scary in a skeletor kind of way
I have an Evo 4g. The apps I use the most are tapatalk, photobucket, dropbox, Pandora and PDANet. Until I bought an extended use battery however, the Evo had shitty battery life. Now it is great, rarely below 65% even with broadband, wifi, Bluetooth and GPS on all day.
That would be nice and will probably occur based upon the direction they seem to be going.
iPad end = stream-to-me. Mac/PC end = serve-to-me. Seems OK to me, especially when using camera adaptor and Pico DAC/amp.
Nice purchases Mike, Mike and Al. I need to get the wife an eye-fi for her camera.
A few bar purchases. Angostura and Regan's orange bitters, Fee Brothers orange flower water, orgeat syrup and whiskey barrel aged aromatic bitters, Luxardo Maraschino cherries and a new Absinthe spoon.