On 9/11 I was checking traps on a field site at the SRS. I was about 1/4 mile from the truck and the radio when the alarm signals went off. It was the general alarm and not the nuclear incident monitor but I still ran as fast as my pudgy little legs would carry me back to the truck. I called the EOC on the radio and was told that all non-essential personnel should report back to their workplace and then evacuate the site. It took me about 15 minutes to get back to the lab and that was when I found out what had happened. Luckily my wife had already contacted her mother and sister who both worked in Manhattan at that time so my main feeling was a generalized numbness that eventually gave way to rage.
I am perfectly fine with how things progressed. I am also of the opinion that a trial was never legitimately on the table. I am also OK with that.
The grip helps immensely in making it easy to handle without adding any additional bulk. That being said it is a pretty small camera, which is what makes it great for me. I have it with me all the time and never really have to think about grabbing the camera. Just buy it at B&H.
Yep you shouldn't have to do anything except eventually replace your prefilter cartridges. You don't even need to boil your water since it is filtered.