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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. Congrat Mike and Britt! Congrat Greg and Emily!
  2. I am looking forward to hearing the newly revived M22, even if it happens to be Peaches and Herb on the TT
  3. This would have never happened in Postjack's forum.
  4. Cool Beans Gene.
  5. Mike is correct bugs have a flow through digestive system so they definitely have an anal opening. Me: Decided to go for a bike ride to try out the new Garmin 500. Cruising along at about ten miles in thinking that everything was going well. Pop! Woooosssshhhhh... Okay, it's the rear tube but not a really big deal. Pull out the underseat bag and open it up. Chain tool, tire levers, tube ... No tube. OK. Well I'll use my phone to call for a ride. Pull out the phone and it is in a perpetual booting loop. Pull the battery, wait one minute, no good. Pull the battery, start walking to the last road I crossed. 10 minutes later I pop the battery back in and the phone finally boots up. Not an auspicious return to cycling.
  6. The beauty of the OII is it does not require modification.
  7. Take care Bryan. Looks like Sammy did not do too bad.
  8. Good thoughts being sent your way Al, for you and your dad.
  9. Sorry about your dad, but also glad you were able to say goodbye.
  10. My undergraduate statistics class received their take-home final today. Very few were pleased.
  11. Really? Were the grades you gave out that bad?
  12. Happy Birthday X-ray Man!
  13. ^^^^ Yep!
  14. I think he is saying they are the ipodBJ of headphones.
  15. Dude. You live on an island!
  16. Well I am all about the midrange. I will forgive shortcomings in the treble (K340) or bass (O II) response but not in the midrange. Plus at least 3/4 of my headphone listening time is with the Omega twins. Lastly, Shelly likes the HD800 and she has much better taste than I do.
  17. morphsci


    I bought 4. Thanks Dinny.
  18. Every time I have listened to the HD800 I have been disappointed with the midrange and so it is not on my radar either.
  19. Now at the state tumbling and trampoline finals.
  20. Measurements do not guarantee either an objective or scientific approach.
  21. I still love my little s95.
  22. And because he is a fucking, hypocritical cunt. He bashes the snake oil salesman but he is just distributing another flavor of snake oil.
  23. Nice! That is such a badass looking amp.
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