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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. My Condolences to you and Andrew, as well as your whole family, Todd. I am so glad you and Andrew were able to say goodbye to Karen.
  2. Happy Birthday, Dan! Nice birthday gift!
  3. Happy Birthday, Dr. Wood!
  4. Better Late than never so: Happy Birthday, Mike!
  5. Happy Birthday, Adam!
  6. Happy Birthday, Knucks!
  7. Happy Birthday, Renato!
  8. Happy MerryBirthdaymas Ric! Belated as it may be.
  9. Happy Birthday, Ken!
  10. How did I miss this?!?! Well a very belated Happy Birthday wish, Todd! I hope New Orleans was/is fun. One of my favorite cities to visit.
  11. Happy Birthday, Bryan!
  12. Sounds spot on to me. 🤣
  13. A belated but Sincere Happy Birthday, Mikey!
  14. I’m with Kevin on this, Koss Pro4a
  15. Happy Birthday, Peter!
  16. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Pretty low key birthday. I don’t teach non Tuesdays but I had two meetings right in the middle of the day so I did not do anything much. Went for a nice Sushi birthday lunch on Wednesday in Montpelier. Today we are heading up near Jeffersonville to do a little fly fishing before they weather starts getting colder.
  17. At my age, I am happy if I don’t bust anything.
  18. So if you have been in the Drinks 2024 thread (where I live) you know that we had three University events on Thursday and Friday. One was the Women Kicking Glass Gala where Karen and I had to wear our Prom outfits
  19. AGREED! I will stick with my iPhone 14. Yo Apple! You are becoming Microsoft.
  20. RIP to a great talent.
  21. Saw this on a new Ford Bronco and never knew it was a thing. They actually sell these on Amazon I discovered.
  22. So I finally received my 5m RCA cable so I got the KEF subwoofer hooked up to the LSX ii's It took a bit of moving stuff around as well as doing other shit like updating software on my two NAS. But this seems like a good initial location. I will definitely be moving it around over the next few weeks. I am also very much more impressed with the KEF Connect app. It made setting up the sub very good and provided initial crossover points and the crossover curve. All it required was the name of the specific KEF sub I was using. It does allow for changing all of those which I may end up doing later. Definitely makes the miniDSP less important at this point. The only thing I do not have is the measurement ability in my specific room. I guess I will use my ears for tweaking for a bit. EDIT: Actually the hardest part of the setup was finding a place to store the shipping box.
  23. Agree with all of the above. It’s great when good things happen to good people.
  24. Berlin was good. Lots of good beer and we both like German food. It was a work trip and that part also worked out well so overall the trip was good except for the last leg.
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