I have the limited edition DVD set of Angel. Bought it from Amazon for $69,99 It's back to $130 now though. It's almost impossible to watch series due to the excessive amount of commercials so downloading seems to be the best way. The orginal sets are still the best though.
I've read a lot of older postings, I get where the frustation is coming from. I hope to make some constructive contributions to head-case in the future Like I said I've been censored before by the head-fi moderators. I was the first to write about the Crossroads Mylar and my posting, which took an hour to write, was deleted without comment the first time. There are commercial interests at work on head-fi but that is to be expected. No need for enmity on my part.
I've been a regular poster at head-fi and our local Singapore fora sgheadphones.net and jaben.net/forums. By accident I stumbled over this forum and I must say it's nice to add another enthousiast forum to the collection. One thing baffles me though, the anti-head-fi postings. People seem to like to snub at the "burn in rage" or the "Edition 9 love" that apparently is going on at head-fi.com. We've had spats between the Singaporean fora but they seem to be resolved now. I'm probably here but what's the deal?