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  1. Does that confirm your suspicion that it's a coating problem? On a separate note, after some more critical listening to my X1, and with different sources + a carbon KGSSHV / the included 270s, I can't get the violins to be present. Even with EQ, they're always soft and positioned far behind other instruments (piano / wind), despite the violin being the centerpiece of the track. Otherwise I generally like them for the price.
  2. Scary to hear about the channel imbalance. Hopefully it doesn't happen to my set. I wonder if there will be some sort of trade in / expedited RMA for this.
  3. Thanks, kinda figured. I feel like I saw another one of your comments somewhere about the 270S but can't find it at the moment. Are there any mods that would make it more bearable? My ideal would eventually be to get a KGSSHV but getting one of those to Canada is a pain. I saw one of those JR Audio ones listed here and then found that thread about how they scammed their customers lol.
  4. So I impulse purchased an X1000 set After experiencing it for a few hours it really felt as if it was missing that weightless / effortless / delicate sound that the 007 / 009 presented (ignoring FR differences). At the same time, I can't find information about the thickness of the driver, nor do I have the other amps. I'm wondering if this is more a limitation of the headphones or if it's a limitation of the 270S that comes with it? That being said, the stock tuning is quite enjoyable. Cheers
  5. Hi there, new to Head-case I'd been out of the hobby since around 2017 and only came back in the last year I was impressed in the past by the 007mk1 with an SRM1MK2 that a friend refurbished with updated parts. I ended up selling this setup for more portable solutions, but recently came back to e-stats with a 009 + T1s (temporary). I did try my friend's custom tube amp at some point with the 007 and it was a night and day difference over the SRM1MK2 / 007t, so I know I'm missing out on a lot with the T1s. Found this forum from the post about the Topping EHA5 (which I was close to getting) and came to ask about experience with Mjolnir Audio. Specifically the Tiny Triode? Anyway, cheers
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