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Everything posted by naamanf

  1. Everything is in the mail. Marc and Steve should have mail in about a week:)
  2. Any one here have to deal with a RMA from Ulitmate Ears? I sent in a pair of Triple-Fi's over three months ago and they keep giving me the run around saying they shipped replacements. So far there are supposedly two sets of replacements in the mail which should have been here by now. I typically like to give companies the benfit of the doubt but I am starting to get pretty pissed. I guess it's more important for them to go give away headphones to celbrities than take care of actual paying customers.
  3. Well it's officially a Mini3. And I totally reversed my opinion on Ken. The guy is Harry fucking Houdini because he managed to cram $200 worth of upgraded caps in Mini3. And to make it even more amazing the Mini3 is a DC coupled amp without any caps in the signal path to begin with. With the help of his side kick Vinne of course. Brilliant! But don't complain about the price. The Aristocrats.
  4. Considering that the front and back panels exactly match a Mini3 I am going to say that is what it is. The big question is how much is he going to charge. If it's pricing matches that of his LODs I would say it is going to be in the neighbor hood of $300-400 which we all know is a joke. $150 I think would be in the realm of resonable. I think it's a funny that people are congratulating him like he reinvented the wheel. Edit: And I am glad to see he went all out on nice hardware and knob
  5. Looking great Steve!
  6. No problem. I figured I would just share the love instead of having the gear sit around. Also in the case of the 1.2Bs I think it will be good for others to hear how they sound and what the build quality (or lack there of) is like.
  7. People still shop at The Gap? I was hoping they would have disappeared by the time I got back. Please at least tell me that Abercrombie has died a horrible death.
  8. Okay it looks like I have the list for the 1.2Bs as well now. Pabbi/Luvdunhill->Tyrion->Deepak->VPI->Faust3D->Catscratch I will most likely be shipping out the both the Buffalo and 1.2B on Tuesday.
  9. Okay I think the Buffalo list is done. Maybe once it gets rolling I might allow others but for now it will be SWT61->Augsburger->Deepak->jinp6301->Postjack->Pars
  10. Okay so far I have: Buffalo: SWT61->Augsburger->Deepak->jinp6301->Postjack HE 1.2B Pabbi/Luvdunhill->Tyrion->Deepak->VPI SWT61 will also be bringing the Buffalo to the Houston meet.
  11. I should probably add that this is only open for people in the US. Not that I mind them going to of the country I just think they would spend to much time in customs going back and forth.
  12. I am getting ready to come home in about a month and have to start mailing my gear home. I figure rather than have it sit around, it might was well get some use. I have already offered up the Buffalo and currently have: SWT61->Augsburger->Deepak. The Buffalo will be set up for SPDIF use only. I was hoping the guys at TP would have had the MUX ready by now but no such luck. The Buffalo is in a beat up Par-Metal case so it isn't much of a looker but should give an idea of the sound. The other item for loan is the HE 1.2B. This obviously would require a pro-bias amp or transformer set up with a Stax pro-bias jack. I say each person could try the items for a week or less and then send them to the next person on the list. I will pay shipping to the first person and that person will then pay shipping to the next. If your interested shoot me a PM. Update # 2
  13. I'm so jealous. This is the second year in a row I have missed RMAF due to being over here. I am definitely looking forward to making it next year. If you get the chance (and if they have them) listen to the Evolution MMThree and what ever they have from Acapella. Two of my favorites from the last time I went. There is a Acapella dealer in the Springs if you want to get a better demo.
  14. Word can do it also. Should be a "abc" with a line through it on the tool bar.
  15. naamanf


    And they are gone
  16. Flew around the Iraqi countryside for four mind numbing hours. It's so time to go home.
  17. 120 quart Igloo cooler to hold my cigars.
  18. Welcome to the flip side.
  19. Because that would actually take a bit of thought.
  20. Did it.
  21. If it was offered by anyone other than T-Mobile, maybe. Android+T-Mobile=Fail
  22. Looks interesting. Let us know how it sounds.
  23. First off I would make sure what ever you get has either Ni-Mh or LiPo batteries. I have a couple Hitachi cordless drills that I really like. One was not cheap but the other came in a kit with a cordless screwdriver and flashlight and was in your price range. DeWalts (Black&Decker) are also pretty popular. Go to your local HD/Lowes and get a feel for what they have. If you go with a name brand that has the feel/features/look/cost you want you should be happy for a long time. Or at least until the batteries become useless.
  24. You should be able to use anything with wi-fi and a web browser to control the SB. I have been using my PSP. There is also a program called iPeng for the iPhone that looks pretty good.
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