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Everything posted by naamanf

  1. I should be careful what I type:palm:. But actually when I was building those B22s I bought a couple nice spiral flute taps and some Tap Magic. Worked wonders and the taps are as good as the day I got them.
  2. I think I would rather volunteer to be the guy to drill and tap the heat sinks than deal with Par Metal.
  3. What is the native format?
  4. Auralex Acoustics Sonic Print Artistic Acoustical Panels - Catalog Your welcome;)
  5. For the # we would be buying I think there would be a significant price savings buying the parts direct. I concur. If Kevin is willing to share the board files we may be able to import them and save a bit of time making new boards from scratch.
  6. Am I the only one not seeing anything?
  7. Also depending on what people want this thing to do a I/O board with all the back panel connectors PCB mounted could also make production much easier.
  8. My "?" is because I really don't know what/where I will be in the next couple of months. If I don't have to move I should be able to help out a lot. If this comes down before/during/after my move I won't be able to do much. It would probably be a good idea to do a group buy for all the front and rear panels. Bulk discount plus it will make case work a bit easier.
  9. Looks like for an order with over four units the price is $85 for the 2U 300mm and $100 for the 3U 300mm. For some reason shipping costs are not shown when I add more than three to the cart. If shipping isn't free I would say add about $50 to the price. That's with current exchange rates.
  10. luvdunhill - 8 - 4 Asr - 0 - 4 Stretch - 0 - 4 looser101 - 4 -2 PFKMan23 - 0 - 4 Naamanf -? - 4 As for the cases I think the Hi-Fi 2000 Pesante Dissipante is a good option. And it seems if you order 4 or more they don't charge shipping. Could also be an error in their software.
  11. I would take In 'n Out over the Superbowl.
  12. Tried it. I suggest against getting the Pico for the K240s. It barely has enough power to drive them and forget about listening to them loud. I think they are much more suited to a desktop amp.
  13. Ft Riely Kansas. It would be nice if I liked flat land and tornadoes. I don't. I am hoping that a friend can find something for me here.
  14. The Army finds the need to spend taxpayer's money and move units around every three years in between deployments. And I am currently in one of those units scheduled to move in three months
  15. I'm a bit far away from where the amps located but I volunteer soldering iron time.
  16. 1000ft Cat5 500ft speaker wire 25ft HDMI cable 15 Ft HDMI cable Time to wire up the HT I will probably never get to use:(
  17. Hmmm if they are a good price color me interested.
  18. Oh really? Do tell.......
  19. They are holding my dynamics ransom. I didn't have much of a choice
  20. LspCAD was my second choice. If I don't like SE I will return it and get LSP.
  21. Yeah I hope so. What do you use now? Just placed an order for 15 of these:
  22. M-Audio ProFire 610 SoundEasy V15
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