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Everything posted by naamanf

  1. I have the GTs along with the Winged-Cs. I think I like the Cs better but would have to put the GTs back in to verify.
  2. If my current DVD player didn't really suck I would just get the PS3. I think I will stay on the fence and see how the Oppo turns out.
  3. Good god man. How much stolen music and porn do you have?
  4. naamanf


  5. naamanf


    Pope visits Africa, reaffirms ban on condoms - CNN.com Speechless. Welcome to 2009 and your epic fail.
  6. Some more booze and wine. Hard to find good rye around here. I picked up a bottle of Russell's and have a store looking for some Black Maple Hills. Also picked up a bottle of Justin cab I hear good things about
  7. I usually buy most things online except if I thinks it's something I might break (camera, laptop, iphone...). Sucks to hear Best Buy is going this route because they are usually the ones I go to with a Pricegrabber printout. I think they are only hurting themselves be loosing sales to internet savvy shoppers.
  8. If your feeling really froggy I know Alps makes a rotary encoder that does push as well as directional functions. Similar to the BMW iDrive type knobs.
  9. Yeah that part sucks. It is available to developers today though. I wonder is someone might release to the interwebs. It might be possible now that they are allowing external hardware support over bluetooth.
  10. I bet there will be some good GPS apps available when 3.0 comes out. As for the springboard just jailbreak it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81IOZYpgWnk
  11. Why not use it as a double SE amp with the same volume control as balanced? Only reason I can see to do separate volume control would be to volume match two sets of different headphones. Seems like a lot of work for something you might try once.
  12. Cut/Copy/Paste/MMS/Stereo Bluetoth/landscape keyboards/search/push notification/...... :jbl:
  13. I also got the early adopter email today. I am on the fence because for the price I could get a PS3. Just wish the PS3 had IR control. What do you think the Oppo's other advantages are?
  14. Who's Epeche Ode?
  15. Oh man I just looked for that stuff and your right. I'm also going to get rid of my pile of JCPenny's catalogs.
  16. You can put porn on a computer? I can finally get rid of all these 8mm tapes I have been hauling around? I bought some beer and Bowmore 12yr. It's kind of like Islay light.
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. Rating of new pirate movie?
  19. I do need a good pre.... Group buy!!!!
  20. For heat sinking the S22 I do think using something like the Conrad heat sink might be a better option due to the expected current demand of the amp. The trick is squeezing everything into one case. The 4U Hifi-2000 case might do the trick but I think it would be a tight squeeze. I don't think the S22s will be unusable because it's a pretty versatile power supply than can be used with other amps. All the parts for the amp board on the other hand...
  21. I had a Xytronics 137ESD that I was very happy with. It was a bit more than the Weller ($70) but it was also a lot better iron. As a bonus it used Hacko tips.
  22. Hater
  23. It kind of sucks Also some bits and pieces from Mouser.
  24. Nothing as long as you electrically isolate the MOSFET from the heat sink. No different than having a off board heat sink that is part of the chassis.
  25. Happy birthday. Don't drink as much as I did. Or do
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