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High Rollers
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Everything posted by naamanf

  1. Happy Birthday!!!
  2. Tapatalk. Boo.
  3. How did you get ass to display as ***?
  4. Thats pretty cool. I had one of those bottle openers on my bar with a little bucket underneath to catch the caps. Have one now with no catch, messy but the daughter likes to pick them up. Might see what a hard drive magnet does.
  5. Happy birthday JP!!!
  6. Rigged! Wait, Collin didn't win? I got second? Very well carry on then.
  7. Happy Birthday!!!!!!
  8. Happy Birthday! Hope it gets better.
  9. naamanf


    STFU and go drink a stout.
  10. As do I....
  11. Fuck Special Forces. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDoZPF4D7W0 Air Cav! Okay I'm in. Poo.
  12. Now that sounds like a motto.
  13. I would wait for the Schitt amp....
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. Happy birthday Wayne!
  16. Last smoke in the house and Kansas.
  17. My thoughts exactly
  18. Still watching them destroy my stuff.
  19. Agree 100% I moved myself last time and made a couple K but it just isn't worth it anymore. Can't wait to get set up in Casa Del Naaman and start enjoying life again.
  20. Packing day. Working hard watching them load.
  21. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm chicken and waffles, nicely done Jeffy. I really don't want to know how Colin lovingly places bacon between meat and buns.
  22. Happy belated birthday to the GMSD (Great Mexican Snoring Dragon)!
  23. Happy birthday!
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