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Everything posted by naamanf

  1. Any copper wire will work, you just want to make sure it will fit the connector. Microphone cable is the go-to when building them for audio, but is overkill quality wise. FYI you can get premade 1ft cables , they will just be TRS which doesn't really matter.
  2. Giving Hammer a call tomorrow. Looks like there is a 4-5 month wait now, but saving $1k might be worth it.
  3. How much were those? Like very similar to the Minimax and the same size.
  4. This will smash sticks much better. Plus I want someone else to try it before I bite the bullet https://www.elitemetaltools.com/tool-shop/products/minimax-16-combination-jointer-and-planer-fs-41c?sku=FS 41C X
  5. You might as well order this along with a large cyclone extractor. https://byrdtoolexperts.com/shelix-head-for-dewalt-dw735-planer-lander?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=dynamic-search&utm_content=lp-from-standard-groups&gclid=CjwKCAiAz4b_BRBbEiwA5XlVVpc4u6gdRQ-M-Eaqqoj6w9iIqE7V5AwATyFqVlOebRB72OWGf5p3WhoC95gQAvD_BwE
  6. It’s a popular choice 😉
  7. Which one are you getting?
  8. I second the Arm R Seal. I really like the General finishes.
  9. It just sits there. That metal on top will have some motor things to move it around and a spinning thing to make wood, plastic, and aluminum shavings.
  10. Table put together. This thing is yuge!
  11. I’m guessing I must have missed someone asking about them. I will probably make nicer looked hangers down the line but these were quick and easy.
  12. Finished running 6” vacuum line and setup automatic blast gate for the CNC. Time to start putting together my erector set.
  13. naamanf

    Get your game on!

    I played for 5 minutes. BORING.
  14. Yes, table saw. It was early. It looks easy to make on a table saw, but the dimensions didn’t look correct when I imported to Fusion.
  15. Do you have the Fusion file so I can see the dimensions? That looks like it would be easy to make on a table table actually.
  16. I would finish with Wilsonart or if you really want to paint something on, Duratex or ExoHyde. This is a Duratex I did on my theater speakers. Incredibly easy to roll on in one or two coats.
  17. Using good finishes helps, but finishing is my least favorite part as well.
  18. Rip chuck. His son was in my R/C club growing up in Oregon. Guess they didn't get along so well. Something about a big ego.
  19. I contacted them and they said they have a 5 year warranty and they will replace them. Little worried with that high of a failure rate, even if they do replace them. Lifetime warranty on all the track, which I think is pretty failure proof.
  20. Those look pretty solid, I’ll have to check them out.
  21. How are those Armour clamps holding up, Marc? I’m going to use a lot of their T track for the CNC hold down and like the clamps but I bought one from Amazon and it came DOA.
  22. Aligned up my fence. Close enough for me. Put together a cross cut sled. Square to .00022 per inch.
  23. I see one of those in my future. Built in dust collection? Take my money!
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