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Everything posted by naamanf

  1. Fin! Well not really but it’s a start.
  2. Were there pictures? Finally have a build date for my ‘rex, 3/31. Can. Not. Wait. Hopefully gas is still under $20 a gallon by then.
  3. Black palm.
  4. Right side complete for the most part. Need to tweak a face here or there.
  5. Why didn’t he just install them in the breaker panel? Nobody cares about code and he could have saved you $23.95.
  6. It’s aight.
  7. First two banks of drawer boxes installed. Still need to install the faces. All this drawer space is going to be awesome.
  8. Sweet! Moar powa!
  9. Should be able to call a local cabinet hardware supplier and pick up some imports. Normally you will want the slide, the front adjusters, and the rear mounting bracket.
  10. Tossed together a Valentine’s Day box.
  11. What is the go to combo blade? Woodworker II? Doug? Need to ditch the Freud I'm currently using.
  12. I have a set of the Woodpecker stops on order, but shoot a link to the other ones. I figure worst case I can also make some. The desk looks awesome. I really like using a HVLP. I have a Devilbiss Finshline, but picked up a Harbor Freight Black Widow. I really like the HF gun, shoots way better than the Devilbiss.
  13. Tried out a new finish today, Total Boat Halcyon in satin. So far pretty impressed (minus the price). As easy and as fast drying as lacquer in a water based varnish. After thining a little with water it was easy to spray with a HVLP gun. Being a marine varnish it should be pretty durable.
  14. Looks great, Steve. Building the tree house sounds fun, something I would never attempt with my kids. They would ask every 5 minutes when it would be done, then fight over the best spot when it was finished. Maybe one day I’ll hold each of them their own chair. Little more work done on the miter station. Figured I should get the counter top done so I can work off it. Woodpecker rail slots cut and test fit in place. Will shoot a couple coats of marine varnish on it tomorrow then mount it in place. Then drawer boxes. Hate drawer boxes.
  15. Installed the carcasses. Picking up acacia butcher block for the top tomorrow. Then I need to put together 17 drawer boxes/pull out trays.
  16. Ping pong would waste a lot of wood, but could easily do the profile and cut a jig to do the bending around.
  17. Being able to double drill and screw would be really nice. What were we talking about? On a completely different note, edge banding manually sucks.
  18. Yes, I’ve been following. Seems he was really worrying about his credibility with pushing Harvey products. I think these dudes should be doing woodworking as their main job and the internet gig for drug/hooker petty cash.
  19. Those look pretty cool, I'll have to see if they fit in a normal T track.
  20. I don't, it's actually all in Mozaik. I can import Sketchup models and place them in the Mozaik room with the cabinets.
  21. 8ft to the left and 14+ to the right. The wall is inset where the miter station will go. So should be good to go either side. Dust collector will be under the saw. No fence, just planning to install some T track.
  22. Looking good! Bringing what is in my head to the real/digital world is always a challenge. Here is my preliminary plan for the miter station. Frameless cabinets with butcherblock tops. The two cabinets will have slide out trays. Any suggestions?
  23. Pretty awesome, Nate. Amazon has made me so lazy, definitely need to transition the brain to making things.
  24. TRXs are about a month with no options out to 8 months fully loaded.
  25. First recommendation, yes. Second, only two weeks.
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