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Everything posted by grawk

  1. I wasn't aware of a political party that wasn't cunt
  2. unless it needs a patch at the corners...
  3. VW gave me a 30 pin and a lightning mdi cable with my beetle. Your dealer should be able to do the same. I actually preferred the 30, because I had an extension cable already, and a 30 pin to lightning adapter. Worked great.
  4. Brent wants to join stance nation
  5. Happy Birthday Ben!
  6. just debadge it, and put a vw on it
  7. ok, that's enough of your advertising, really.
  8. So I threw the calfee on the scale, and without having made any real effort to make a light bike, it's 18.5 lbs ready to ride (ancient seat, mtb campus pedals, alloy wheels)
  9. I dunno, my standard for old is I have a kid old enough to vote. And I wasn't alive when Lance Armstrong went to mars.
  10. some of the on ramps require fast acceleration or you'll never get on the highway.
  11. the e36 m3 isn't fast, it's just fun, and a go kart. The current camry is faster than the e36 m3.
  12. I wasn't in Houston enough to know it's politics. It's the weather I dislike. And how the weather traps the bad air.
  13. The parts I didn't like about houston were the climate, the pollution, and the climate. I'd bet 2 of the 3 are worse than I remember, and the third is probably still worse than I'd like I did really like the Rice campus, and the area around Rice. Except when it was above 80 degrees.
  14. I'm not sure what you mean when talking about Jeff's budget. I've never seen any indications he even knows what the word means...
  15. but then you'd be in atlanta, which is one of the few american cities worse than houston
  16. Anyone have a favorite (or hated) garmin mount recommendation? I need 2 for mountain bikes, one for a cross bike, and one for the calfee.
  17. twice for my driveway
  18. http://www.strava.com/challenges/climb-for-nepal I just signed up for this. Almost 30k ft of climbing in june. It'll be brutal, but it's for a good cause.
  19. I did 7 or so with 250 ft of climbing. I'm out of shape.
  20. That was last year
  21. When's the housewarming party?
  22. Got it back. Time to test ride then tape the bars
  23. I bought too soon, so no vip for me
  24. VW and Audi are still expensive vehicles to maintain, compared to Japanese cars, in my experience. I just think the tradeoffs are worth it.
  25. panic's just the official name for a system reboot due to error.
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