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Everything posted by grawk

  1. living in nj, almost 15, and still a virgin? Jeez...
  2. Yup, I am...
  3. Tyll, if you're interested in virtual communities beyond niche areas like this, I can point you at a REALLY interesting place...
  4. Don't stress too much on what members write as board policy, Yikes
  5. like fish
  6. Still, a good dac is a valuable thing, and having the option of fewer things in the signal path if you want to use a different amp seems helpful.
  7. That'd eat a huge percentage of the market for those amps
  8. You know, a PS3000 with port covers might be a good alternative to moving to a different room
  9. If you think that this place is only about dishing, perhaps it's because you haven't ventured into the other topics? There's a lot of discussion going on elsewhere, and people do spend some time dishing in the various off topic threads because it's been verbotten for so long...
  10. me either... [me=grawk]throws stuff at a guy in maryland.[/me]
  11. Freedom doesn't imply the ability to take back what you say...
  12. It seemed to me that the questions were reasonable, and since you ARE rudi's point person for north america, you're the right person to ask, right? When you post pictures for comments, it seems reasonable to get comments...even negative ones.
  13. There's morsel... Feel free to invite others.
  14. Sometimes people should ask themselves "Should I" in addition to "Can I"
  15. grawk

    New Beginnings

    You might want to list your email somewhere in your profile if you want people to be able to contact you via email, taboot.
  16. grawk

    New Beginnings

    My avatar, click on the message link instead of reading it in the "whats new"
  17. grawk

    New Beginnings

    Hush, or I'll have my polar bear treat you like the seal in the picture
  18. grawk

    New Beginnings

    yah, you big flaming bag of fuck
  19. sally and billy sittin' in a hot tub...
  20. I just invited vwap via pm on irc
  21. once you go black...
  22. You should check out the stax sr-001s...
  23. grawk

    Paypal Fees

    A lot of small operations offer a cash discount, especially low margin operations.
  24. grawk

    Paypal Fees

    Once you've hit the limit for personal accounts, you start paying the fee on all paypal transactions if you want to be able to receive credit card payments ever...
  25. grawk

    Paypal Fees

    ok, I'll move your post back to the fs thread
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