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Everything posted by grawk

  1. Somehow I bet the duct tape wasn't DHS provided.
  2. if you can talk him into doing it, zach.
  3. How would it sound if you left the batteries trickle charging while listening?
  4. My suggestion is in Reston, VA, in my apartment, where I'll soon have a kegerator, but others can suggest times and places too. So option 1: Nov 18, Reston, VA.
  5. So it's a bigger supermicro, but iwth a lip so it'll catch on your pockets, and probably won't sound as good...
  6. Yes, hard to believe a $60 amp doesn't outperform a dynamight.
  7. Opinions differ about the various qualities of coax and toslink. Toslink is a better option on inexpensive gear, because you have fewer problems with jitter induced by impedance mismatch.
  8. Which airport do you work at, aerius?
  9. grawk

    Great Audio Buys

    $5 - 1 hit of windowpane $9.95 - Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced For under $16, a life changing experience
  10. It's not like anyone is making a living selling a few pcdps or grado pads on headfi...
  11. Except that you're not pushing anything into the noise floor when you use a digital volume control. Bits is dynamics, sample rate is resolution. Once the recording is mastered, the noise floor is set.
  12. And of course bits don't affect resolution, just dynamics.
  13. When a jr high kid thinks you're immature, that's bad...
  14. Ok, so we can stipulate you believe that the ebay user is tubroller. I'll go back to ignoring this thread as trollbait.
  15. As a demonstration that that isn't enough to establish identity, I'll sign off now, Fred
  16. It could also be that the person on ebay isn't fred.
  17. The problem isn't when they want the fish It's when they decide there's easier prey.
  18. When fishing for salmon in alaska, being able to get a grizz to leave you alone is sometimes helpful.
  19. I want to get a dan wesson .445 guide gun. Will fire .44, but also has the mule kick rounds that will actually annoy a grizz.
  20. I've got a 629, a combat commander 1911, a sig 239 9mm, a kahr mk9, a keltec p32, a couple of ww2 lugers, an hk tactical 45, and a dwm .25. Being somewhat intoxicated, I might be missing one or two...
  21. Granted.
  22. While quality of parts matters, simple designs often sound better than the sum of their parts.
  23. What does price have to do with anything? Cmoys are popular because they're decent designs, and RA1s DO sound good with RS1s
  24. Ok, how about "You may be a music lover, but you should wait until you've heard more music to spout off at others" if you haven't been to X (well over 50) live performances and/or own X (well over 100) pieces of recorded audio. (I'm not suggesting this is a myth)
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