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Everything posted by grawk

  1. PM me your address, you can borrow mine.
  2. I bought a set recently for future conversion to PS3000s...assuming I can ever run across a set of ps1 drivers.
  3. He's the distributor, so I'm sure he gets a discount .
  4. I bet jjcha is feeling that way about the VTGs at this point, too.
  5. The 225s are obviously not better than the HF1s, which are remarkable. But they're still one of the great values in audio.
  6. But 225s can be had for $145-150 all day long.
  7. New, the cheapest you couuld get it was $207.
  8. Wishing it was under $200 doesn't make it under $200. My favorite sub $200 headphones: SR225 HD580 ER4P Altec Lansing iM716 Sony V6s DT770s
  9. grawk

    slow forum

    I'm not sure who he was thinking about, he didn't post that
  10. grawk

    slow forum

    That reads as "While jerking off, tmonk says 'I don't like your face'. He then continues to jerk off, and says 'I don't like your hair, and I don't like you.' Then he finishes."
  11. Earl, you're letting your ears override what specs tell you it should sound like
  12. The camo hat hating I really don't get. Big deal, he had a run of stupid hats made? It's hard work making money in audio. If he found a way to make it easier for him, more power to him.
  13. Of course, the 4g mod price didn't change just because you buy it from ALO. This ALO hating is a bit extreme. He's not any worse than any of the other overpriced DIY cable makers (except zach, who barely makes cables anymore). I mean, Alex (ayt999) is certainly way more expensive.
  14. Yah, but come on, post hiatus phish isn't interesting for anyone
  15. So, a lot of something rehashed, repetative, and not terribly interesting: good A little of something rehashed but not so repetitive: bad
  16. This just makes me laugh given your other musical preferences
  17. grawk


    But it turns out to be the mens team that does it. Oh, wait, this isn't the corrupt a wish thread...
  18. grawk

    slow forum

    Did you buy the dynahi from bmbrown? If so, it was tkams, then mine.
  19. That, and I'll be glad to provide any help you need. Best bet is to configure the router, then swap them once it's configured. If it doesn't work, swap back etc.
  20. It's very easy to set up. If you write down the settings for your current router, it will be relatively painless to transfer those settings over to the airport. And then add the network file sharing feature.
  21. Yes, the airport would replace your existing wireless router. It would then act as your network file server as well as a wifi router. And in the future, when you upgrade to 802.11N, you'll already be ready for it in your router.
  22. For performance, music doesn't really need anything faster, honestly. The airport extreme works equally well with windows, and the network filesharing feature is awesome. Lacie stuff gets mixed reviews, but mostly good. The real problem is hard drive makers take turns being flakey.
  23. IMHO, your best bet is still external drives when it comes to music. My personal preference is the new apple airport extreme, and then hang the drives off of it. Serves out your music via network fileshare, then you have whatever music server get it to your listening environment. That way it's not stuck on your old computer when time comes to replace it. But that said, there are several options for replacing a drive. Norton Ghost is the one I used back when I used windows. Or you can just add the drive internally and not replace it.
  24. I could care less about the eagles, but I hate the beatles. Ugh, the world will be a better place when boomers stop programming radio stations.
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