China's a LONG way from being ready to be the dominant economy. They have to recover from decades of artificial infrastructure building and corruption. It's China that's currently fucking the rest of the world as they correct...
my understanding is the score experian reports is only vaguely related to the fico score. It's affected by different things, and is just a marketing thing for experian.
I had credit lines decreased on a couple of cards (I've always paid on time etc) immediately prior to the economy tanking, and lately I've had unrequested increases on 3 cards. There are a lot of variables in the credit industry.
some people think an awful lot about gambling. The problem with individual stocks is it's almost impossible as an individual investor to have all the information, the game is pretty rigged.
Is the WTF about JHA offering a discount for people unhappy with a competitor's IEMs? That seems reasonable, since there's about $15 worth of components in the average CIEM
I'm actually interested in a setup using a temperature controller, an immersion heater, and an aquarium pump to do a larger setup than I'm currently using.