We're obviously looking for something completely different when we listen to music. If I ever notice that one cymbal hit sounds the same or different from another, it means I'm distracted from the music, from the performance. When I listen to my HF1s, I forget I have headphones on, and get wrapped up in the experience. I've never had a problem with the imaging on the HF1s, and the musicality of them is what I like. With the RS1s, I am pulled out of the experience because of the inaccurate tone with some music. The PS1s were just worth more than I could justify holding onto them, so I sold them. RS1s cost me about what the HHF1s did (around $450), and I was much happier with the HHF1s, so I sold the RS1s. Others can have different opinions and it doesn't offend me at all.