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Everything posted by grawk

  1. Funny thing is, who gives a shit what the general public thinks?
  2. Your head is completely inside your colon. If it's better, it's high end, if it's not, it's not. If someone hand builds a car, and it wins, who gives a shit what the wankers with expensive frames call it?
  3. My v1 open darths were a big step up over stock. Amping them is a requirement, tho. You need power to control the bass. They were better than 501s by far, for example.
  4. good chance.
  5. I'd guess it's because he doesn't have an amp that can power them.
  6. Ok, I'll police it per the other admin's suggestion mock newbies to submission.
  7. Then turn it back on. If we can't sell used crap to newbies, who do we sell the stuff no one likes to?
  8. you should be able to read the fs forum
  9. I'll give you a hd580 w/ oracle cable, 4pin for your ed9s
  10. I'd think DIY is the most likely to be high end. Not sure why it'd be excluded.
  11. Alternate feedback thread: dude! Watch Dodge Ball! He's trustworthy, word!?
  12. I'll summarize: nate does good work, but overcharges for shipping.
  13. Oh, no, I definitely have favorites
  14. Whenever I go to canada, I want to play monopoly.
  15. Nope, no hugs needed. I'm generally happy and friendly, considering how much I hate people
  16. The diablo thread was a work of art. You go from a shill/apologist to a victim really quickly in that thread.
  17. I was banned once for 2 days, until the ban was rescinded. I have somewhere north of 3500 posts on headfi. And postcount is irrelevant, really.
  18. Don't worry about your post count.
  19. Thanks, I like it too.
  20. Don't worry, I don't hate YOU. I hate PEOPLE. It's never personal.
  21. Which leads to his getting busted, and with luck a 3 strikes conviction, and then bam, no more trouble.
  22. I guess I was mistaken. I really did think he came on here raving about how great the sony k1000 killers were gonna be if he ever got them.
  23. 003 is registered here...
  24. Of course, if you're connecting to speaker terminals, just whack the end off and experiment, no biggie. Just label when you're done, before you solder it onto anything else.
  25. Assume they don't, and use a multimeter to determine which wire goes where.
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