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Everything posted by grawk

  1. that version works for me in safari
  2. There's another option when you live in the middle of nowhere. You buy the things you're interested in hearing used. I went through a TON of gear while I was living in alaska. You have to pay attention to the various forsale sites, but when stuff comes up at a great price, jump on it. Then you can often resell for enough to cover your expenses, and if not, think of the difference as a rental fee. This is a lot more useful than meet time. Enough more useful, that I mostly look at meets as a place to hang out with people and get ideas.
  3. By the, he means his
  4. They're based on ps1s drivers, but old school hp1 shells. They sold for $85 a pair.
  5. I guess I'm not in my right mind. I wipe servers for upgrades with some regularity. I back up the stuff I will need, and wipe.
  6. The impression I get is that the nas device was just used to back up the servers, but they were in the process of rebuilding headfi in a clustered environment, so they'd probably wiped the servers. Then the nas had problems, causing a world of poop.
  7. You're so banned.
  8. Already happened, you missed it.
  9. pork loin chops with sriracha sauce (rooster sauce)
  10. fixes the file system. -y and -f just both mean "yes, I really mean it"
  11. I use my mac mini for everything except sacd and dvda at this point. I just need a better switch than the one I have right now. One day I'll spend money again, and get a good hdmi 1.3 capable pre.
  12. I have a Q, and I'm not a big fan. But it'll do for now. And I pay $35 a month for unlimited data and 1200 minutes. So no complaints there.
  13. That's easy, because someone on headfi said you should.
  14. I knew it. You're one of THEM!
  15. Nice looking place. This one is supposed to be a gothic novel, and I figured wtf. Anyway, $50, signed. I'm too big a book collector whore to pass that up
  16. Signed limited The Shadow of the Wind, by Stephen King, who knows when it'll be published, but for $50 for a signed stephen king, I can wait.
  17. So in other words, by your definition, anything made by an individual can't be high end, regardless of how it looks or how it performs. Got it. You're a blowhard windbag. The rest of us will continue to discuss things using definitions we prefer. Because in the end, sound is what matters. Not what you want to brag to your friends about. Because honestly, I don't tell people what I spend on audio gear, not because they won't appreciate it, but because my finances are my business. And everyone who's ever listened to my gear, be it the ugly ass mpx3 toaster I used to have (commercial product, ugly ass, high end), or the great looking and sounding tooleaudio balanced mosfet amplifier (built by colin, so effectively DIY, m3, certainly noncommercial, high end), or my veda audio dynahi...and with my hp1s, rs1s, hhf1s (diyish again), ps3000s (again, diyish), or grado 225s...they've always been nothing less than blown away. Because of how it looks? No, because it sounds better than they'd experienced before. High end in my book is synonymous with "a darn sight better than the typical person will ever experience". And I could care less if any of it ever had a brand name or bling to make other people approve.
  18. grawk


    Just finished it, good call
  19. [me=grawk]pulls out his irony bat.[/me]
  20. Congrats James! Just remember, stop at 2. Any more and you're outnumbered. Says the man with 4...
  21. No, at no point did you say my main point: if it's better, it's high end, if it's not, it's not. Who gives a shit what people who spend stupid money on shit say, or people who shop at best buy think. This isn't ipod weekly. This is a discussion forum where we actually care about getting good results.
  22. People on college campuses think daft things
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