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Everything posted by grawk

  1. I can say that 20 year old cassettes sound a WHOLE LOT better than 20 year old dats.
  2. grawk


    I got started with portable cassette (Marantz PMD-430 and sony D3). What are you looking into recording, and what's your budget?
  3. John Zorn is amazing
  4. grawk


    What does your recording chain look like? I have several variations of rigs I use to record live music: Recorders: Sound Devices Mixpre 10-ii, Zoom F3, DPA d:vice (not really a recorder) Mics: DPA 4061s, DPA 4015gs, and soon Neumann KK14s with custom (thanks JF) active cable mounts Editing: logic pro with RX 9 and Ozone 10
  5. Recently I've recorded: Primus Bruce Hornsby George Clinton with P-Funk Drivin' N Cryin' Gov't Mule
  6. I'll add a sub forum for approved users once we're established where the details of less public topics can be discussed outside of the reach of google.
  7. Some of the other places this topic is discussed have turned into something of a shit show, so I've added this. This forum may get some new members joining, so try and cut them some slack for a bit as they get acclimatized to what head-case can be like.
  8. made pork gelatin that you mix in with the ground pork at assembly
  9. learning to make soup dumplings
  10. happy birthday jefe
  11. Recorded Lauren Morrow (opener) and Drivin' N' Cryin' in knoxville last night: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15Zw1nDmJ24ryqVEC6sXIEIlZPB1UkD-e?usp=share_link
  12. surf and turf
  13. my math on beans is VERY different than most, I'd bet. It's gotta be a pretty special bean for me to buy it at retail, or even half off retail.
  14. it’s a sad story but 6 month old coffee is pretty old already.
  15. if you have a bottomless portafilter, does the stream consolidate into a single stream or is it a shower or multiple streams? It's probably crumbling because you're getting better extraction. Watch the pour, and stop it a little after you get blonding, and you should have a good shot. Experiment with that and find out where your sweet spot is for flavor.
  16. One thing to know about the niche: the numbers are only really useful as an internal reference, because they're entirely dependent on how you calibrated it.
  17. the brush if I start noticing retention. Not very often.
  18. What grinder are you using? 15 seconds is quick enough it sounds like you aren't getting enough extraction. I'd recommend a LOT finer, but taste is what matters, so...
  19. https://smile.amazon.com/What-About-Bob/dp/B0B8TGMJQB/ref=sr_1_1/?crid=OE4CJZLQ8GWM&keywords=peripheral&qid=1668606329&sprefix=peripheral%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-1 It's one of my favorite books, and the series lacks some of the depth, but is still well executed and worth watching.
  20. it's ok to read a thread from nearly a decade ago and not comment
  21. I wouldn't worry too much about extraction times that are under a minute. The main reason for the 30 second rule is for speed making drinks for a cafe. Worry more about how it tastes.
  22. I can control temperature (by purging the steamer), pre-infusion (how long I let it fill), delay (how long I hold the lever before letting the spring work), and time (how long til I swap the cup for the dump pitcher) on my machine. Steam I control completely tho, and the machine has amazing steam. I honestly haven't noticed a difference with any tamp pressure as long as it's "enough".
  23. I don’t recommend necro-posting for your second post.
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