I think I may understand the confusion. You think music has a variable sound in the real world, so getting your brain used to your transducers is ok. I think music is supposed to sound on headphones as close as possible to what it sounded like when I recorded it live. So I'm a little more picky. That's not to say I'm a huge fan of senns. I owned a pair of 580s, liked them well enough, and sold them. But even the VTGs, which are among my favorite headphones ever, didn't sound quite right. It was a compromise I could live with for good closed phones, but in the end, I decided to let them move on.
There really is a right and a wrong with sound. You may not mind wrong, but that doesn't make it right. You're welcome to that opinion, and in a lot of ways, I agree with it. There are a lot of variables in sound reproduction, and everyone picks the ones they care about. But there's a reason W5000s don't command the respect other ATH woodies do.